plushysheep wrote:
MLGonthorian wrote:
The more I look over and read what they changed this new system to, the worse it gets. The amount of good provided by sextants in terms of pack size, magic find, etc. is gone. Read through some of these new scarabs they added, instead of having a system where you can get progressively better scarabs in higher tiers of maps or more difficult content, now they made it so that the scarabs just offer different things that you can do with the content. A lot of which, you will never use.
For instance, you used to progressively get more rare drops from the elder scarab or you would get more divination cards or more unique drops changed by a percentage depending on the tier of the scarab. Now instead, they just offer different things and I can guarantee a good amount of these scarabs will not be used or touched by a lot of people.
This means that it's a double, maybe even triple nerf because now you will have to hope that you are dropping the scarabs you actually need because the rest of them won't be used and accordingly, this will make the scarabs that were previously used even as a rusted version, much more expensive.
It's such a huge nerf that it comes off devious if I'm being honest. And to actually label this as a Quality of Life feature comes off as nefarious.
Play the league. Make a spreadsheet, prove that the system is bad.
And also watch the interview between Zizaran and Neon(Mark Roberts)
He explains the validity of freeing up design space (like getting rid of a system like sextants) so later down the line they can fill that space with a new and better system instead of just stacking systems on top of each other adding a copious amount of content bloat.
I know change scares most people. But without pruning some systems we would still have stuff like atlas regions, prophecies, sextant blocking, crafted watchstones, atlas influence management (elder vs shaper) and many others in the game. Imagine having to juggle all that at once just so you can map at a rewarding level.
You're conflicting two completely different things. Changing the Atlas system so you don't have to do influence blocking was universally accepted as a good change. THIS, isn't. They're removing packs, magic find and a TON of different variety and agency that sextants provided AND were able to be used OUTSIDE of the map device that only offers 4 slots.
Take one example of the new Legion scarabs they changed. They have 5 DIFFERENT Legion scarabs and only ONE of them has the modifier "contains a legion encounter". This means that you have additional probabilities added on to the already low chance of getting the scarab that you need. If you get a legion scarab, it will have a 1 in 5 chance of being the legion scarab that you actually need and ON TOP OF already being in the pool of a large number of scarabs that you don't need or want. This is simple probability. Yet you watch a stream by a dev telling you it's all good and that's enough for you to think it's fine and not think for yourself.
People aren't even asking them what the drop chance of the new scarabs will be. Yet you're all so conditioned to just not know what the drop chance of things in the game is, that you're fine with not knowing. In Runescape and other games, there are wiki pages telling you EXACTLY what the drop chance of something is. Meaning, they could have changed the drop chance of these new scarabs to be lower than what it was before and you would have no way of knowing. They will not tell you either because of some type of weird "having an advantage" philosophy.
I myself already have a scarab tab and all of the other ones but I can't even imagine what people playing this game without the tab will have to do now.
Economically, the trading of a single scarab you need out of tons of different ones added in as item clutter is a worse system as opposed to just trading for the smaller pool of scarabs or having the choice of just buying a rusted scarab if you can't afford the higher tiers. Trading for sextants is less cumbersome also because it's a single item you have to worry about trading and it's priced under the notion that it will give a random roll as opposed to certain scarabs that will clearly be better and priced higher than others.
It's a worse system in every way possible.
Prophecies were a good thing also because it gave you agency over getting monstrous treasure, 6 linking, frogs, rats, tempests. Now these things either don't exist at all or are so rare that it might as well not exist anymore.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷
Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow Last edited by MLGonthorian#4568 on Mar 29, 2024, 6:21:41 AM
Posted byMLGonthorian#4568on Mar 29, 2024, 5:54:20 AM
MLGonthorian wrote:
wardloop wrote:
MLGonthorian wrote:
These are just sextants with extra steps. How are people not seeing through what's really happening with this? The sextants existed OUTSIDE of the map device, it gave you 4 different modifiers you could add to your maps on the watchstones. That means you got 4 modifiers from your sextants AND 4 modifiers from your scarabs. You removed this and now replaced it with more item clutter via scarabs, yet we still only have 4 slots for scarabs on the map device. So we're getting worse modifiers on scarabs to accommodate the sextant mechanic you removed, yet we only have 4 slots on the map device to use the scarabs. How is no one commenting on this? I'm genuinely asking. I looked through the scarabs, in what way is this a better system than the sextants??
Also, why did prophecies have to get removed if they accomplished a similar goal, you could roll prophecies for frogs, rats, tempests. Now you can't roll for frogs or rats. Tempests you can only get as a rare occurrence off of the map mods you have to pay for. It's going backwards in terms of options.
Why did Metamorph have to get removed? That was one of the few fun mechanics to run on a map. I don't understand what's happening anymore. This is just sad...
People have pointed out that you will have 4 less modifiers with sextants gone. People are just glad that they don't have to bulk buy compasses through a 3rd party site that's connected to a 3rd party discord. The market will adjust and we will all be happier.
Think through what you just said. You think this will make trade more bearable? It will not. Here's why. Before, you would only have to buy sextants in bulk and you can roll for sextant mods yourself. It only takes a couple of rolls to get the mods you want usually and you can settle for most mods sextants gave you.
Now, you have to HOPE that someone prices a scarab that you want at a decent price and the scarab that you want, will be priced higher, as opposed to a fixed price of a sextant that is priced based on the notion of it rolling any mod. I don't know how else to explain this, but it's a worse system with this change in every way imaginable.
How can anyone even argue that sextant rolling was a chore to them? You would rather lose the ability to modify your map in meaningful ways so that you don't have to apply 4 clicks on the atlas watchstones?? Yet you're fine with clicking 10 times as much to have to pick up the new scarabs you will have to now use to get half of the power back from the sextant change you will be losing?
Maybe, just maybe, they had a good system that didn't require any "fixing" to begin with. Yet they're so insistent on fixing what isn't broken that they have to either remove or drastically change an entire system for the sake of showing they are changing something. It's just annoying. It's not fun, it's frustrating, and takes away options as a net negative. That is all that I see from all of these changes.
You want to play for the rest of your life same game? Cause most people want changes to experiment and find different fun stuff and not play same thing over and over. So deal with it.
Posted byrenispro#0217on Mar 29, 2024, 6:22:25 AM
You're conflicting two completely different things. Changing the Atlas system so you don't have to do influence blocking was universally accepted as a good change. THIS, isn't.
Hate to break it to you but you are simply part of the vocal minority.
Yet you watch a stream by a dev telling you it's all good and that's enough for you to think it's fine and not think for yourself.
No. I am listening to the reasoning and logic behind the choices made and then decide if it's all good with keeping myself open for changing my mind on the matter if in the end it proves to be worse.
If you actually listened to it they are even aware of how scary it is for people to perceive the loss of a system. Sure GGG had some major fuckups in the past, but all of us wouldn't care about this game as much if they didn't make the best Arpg of all time.
The list of systems they were not able to fix is a lot smaller than the one with systems they changed for better.
Take one example of the new Legion scarabs they changed. They have 5 DIFFERENT Legion scarabs and only ONE of them has the modifier "contains a legion encounter".
That's what the increased league encounter rates on the tree are compensating. Also you can gigajuice more if you are willing to do so. They currently claimed that the drop rates for scarabs are rather high. I will complain as much as you if it turns out to be terrible, trust me.
Regarding the "low chance of getting the one you want" are we talking more common ones? The game is balanced around trade, you are free to buy the ones you want like you likely already did.
Do you play SSF like me? Well shit out of luck, they said from the beginning that they wouldn't balance the game around SSF back when they released it as a separate league.
People aren't even asking them what the drop chance of the new scarabs will be. Yet you're all so conditioned to just not know what the drop chance of things in the game is, that you're fine with not knowing. In Runescape and other games, there are wiki pages telling you EXACTLY what the drop chance of something is.
Not easily realizable in this game with how many variables and possible drops each different mob in the game brings. Terrible comparison imo since in games like Runescape you have way more specific drop tables.
Also I don't want to imagine the amount of bloat every drop tweak would add to the patch notes.
Trading for sextants is less cumbersome also because it's a single item you have to worry about trading and it's priced under the notion that it will give a random roll as opposed to certain scarabs that will clearly be better and priced higher than others.
This simply tells me that you never bought specific sextant mods on compasses nor rolled those for profit (which I imagine to be the reason a lot of people are so butthurt about the sextant change, get ****ed bot abusers)
Prophecies were a good thing also because it gave you agency over getting monstrous treasure, 6 linking, frogs, rats, tempests. Now these things either don't exist at all or are so rare that it might as well not exist anymore.
Prophecies were yet another system to juggle manually. 6 Linking is easer than ever and has been brought back in the form of omens, monstrous treasure is back in the form of a scarab. I agree with missing tempests but frogs and rats are yet just another form of density that you can add in a ton of other ways.
Last edited by plushysheep#2301 on Mar 29, 2024, 7:59:27 AM
Posted byplushysheep#2301on Mar 29, 2024, 7:27:40 AM
I'm sitting with cups of milk
Posted bymotorz#5321on Mar 29, 2024, 12:00:37 PM
After watching some streamers that are at the end game now all the things we said regarding the big double nerfs we are getting came to be true. Basicaly all of them agree that end game juicing is dead now. No sextants and current version of scarab is not even close to replace old system. What's more the only scarabs that are able to improve the situation are worth multiple divines now per single scarab so obviously no solo player is able to afford that.
Posted byPlatonx#7294on Apr 1, 2024, 3:50:30 PM
Dzaku wrote:
Can I use 2 of the same scarab type at the same time? For example, Divination Scarab and Divination Scarab Of Completion.
In the top of the description in the scarab u can see the limit for each scarab
the best combination for divination farm i think will be: Divination x2, curation, completion and preservation or bloodlines
Posted bysullyvanes#7824on Jul 12, 2024, 6:19:04 PM