Content Update 3.24.0 -- Path of Exile: Necropolis

best league
Seems like a good patch. I hope they make the campaign shorter eventually. Just something different. They keep pushing back POE 2, and it is getting harder and harder to play the campaign just to get to the actual game.
Im so torn about these patch notes.
I do see a reason to nerf TS, but to make it basicly useless? (If thats the case)
Feels like it was a bit much.
And do my old mtx still work with the change to the skill?
Well, im gonna try it atleast, if it fcking sux and i dont find another build thats reminds me of TS that i like i might just end up stop playing.

Kinda feel a bit sad about this, but time will tell.
Strange they didnt atleast make trans gems when they gutted it.
Best Fishing buffs I've seen in years. LOGIN!
will see
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Nice league!
As a new player, I like these changes. It makes the game easier. It is also true that last league with extra loot, at least I had the chance to craft and test different mechanics wich otherwise would have impossible.

On the other hand .. I would like to see some mele + hp/defensive based character improvements. Even the game offers thousands of combinations if not more, in the end of the day and for end game there are not so much of them to be able to both level up + clear the content. Even while being mele just planting totems is a huge advantage, and that is totally anti climatic immo.

I am still missing getting to level 100. I have to admit that with duelist it was way easier to get over level 95 than with witch or shadow, so next league i will just follow the mainstream videos which are basically standing outside the screen with 30000 minions being marauder or templar while drinking a tea :)

Hope that you don't take last as a bad thing, that has been my experience. On level 95+, each death equals to several complicated maps + extra hard content and eventually you are one shot regardless. And after repeating that sequence for several times, the game becomes just boring.

It isn't a matter of skill, nor learning the mobs, nor anything. It is just pure RNG and the only way to avoid RNG over there is just to have minions and afk outside the screen together with a bigger HP pool.

Last, I don't like that in POE2 each mob seem like a boss, I think that is going to kill the core of what POE is against other games.

Looking forward to the next expansion, and hope that you keep the good work !

Thanks for this game and for the love you put in it.

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