What Will Happen When Affliction League Ends

I haven't played many past leagues but this one was definitely a blast for me.

Accomplished many firsts - getting a mageblood, a headhunter and reached 38/40 achievements were some of the top memories for me.

Affliction league = fun

Whatever retrospective that GGG runs internally, I hope they capture a key takeaway was players had fun.
I just hope that the next league is even better than affliction.
Fix ur broken game
I'm then officially done with POE and I will migrate to Last Epoch. It's been fun since closed beta. This is the biggest mistake I've ever seen from PoE.
Quality of Life of the Backpack will be missed.
Hard to be motivated for any league
without it's convenience XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Only the 20th league in a row that’s not going core. At least they made every second or third league core immediately after when they weren’t working on PoE2. It’s sad because there’s nothing to look forward to in Standard except once or twice a year. Beta testers can rejoice testing experimental league content with continuously nerfed gear though. Just keeping it real 💯
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
How many players are in favor of these deleting items and ascendancies who even play standard? It in no way affects established players only those casual players that spent their efforts to make something decent for once. These charms never made the average player OP. What a dick move to alienate the novice struggling players GGG. I won't be back to play in the next league if all my efforts and time were spent for nothing. I just bought charms in trade to finish my build and enable others. I won't recommend this game to anyone else. GGG caters to the top 10% of a player base who don't even play standard. Why is this crap announced at the end of the league, knowing this I would have never played Affliction.
Last edited by Bushido74#7224 on Mar 14, 2024, 5:22:32 PM
Rucksack type bags should be part of core and earnable up to 5 sacks.
In general, the latest actions of GGG, getting worse and worse. I wildly sympathize with those who play on the standard. They have not seen new content for a long time. Also GGG has become neglectful of the time of players. First they took away stones with changed quality, and I will remind you that some rare stones to mine and make them 21/23 cost a lot of time and resources. But GGG didn't care about that, so they zeroed them out. Now they're zeroing out charm and new bottles. I feel sorry for those players who bought charms for hundreds of divines or pumped new characters in the hope of carrying the ascendancy of wildwood to the standard. GGG should say from the beginning what will go to standard and what won't. People wasted their time and resources and it turned out to be unjustified. On the part of GGG this is disrespect to the players. And this fear that on the standard characters will become such imbs just ridiculous, there is not such an online and activity to fear it. This looks like a clever manipulation to increase online. You farm, farm, farm, and we'll screw you over at the very end. In games about farming. The element of owning farmed items is very important. But GGG lost that thread. It's a waste of time.
Last edited by AnabisB#6464 on Mar 14, 2024, 8:16:34 PM
Cool let's remove the mechanic for the highest retention league of all time. Rest assured, exiles, we still have Ultimatum LOL.

I played this league until very recently and it was by far the longest time I've spent on a league. I'm not shocked by the decision, but I am disappointed nonetheless. See you for PoE 2 I guess.

All aboard the Last Epoch train for now (and forever?)

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