Why not throw the ring into the sea?
I recently read a post on this forum in which a user complained about inflation, and another user criticized someone for using a meta build. The implicit message was "Well! It's your fault! you shouldn't have gone for a meta build".
![]() Could you imagine? You are a modern-day blacksmith that has traveled through time. You are secretly developing modern technology and in your shop a knight is complaining about the quality of a hammer.
Classics books remain for many reasons, one of them is that they provide a sublimated window into reality.
![]() For example, in the allegory of the Ring of Gyges or in Lord of the rings with the "one Ring to rule them all" you have an individual with a tool that gives him an edge over everyone else. Now, GGG headquarters must feel like when the Fellowship of the ring was discussing what to do with the ring. Sadly, it's the year 2024 and most people are fearful for losing their jobs. So, I suspect we won't see heroes masterfully maneuvering the politics of the discussions that need to take place. When developers use terms like "friction vs. frictionless" it raises concerns for me. This approach oversimplifies the situation and fails to acknowledge that these tool makers have advanced far beyond firearms and are now experimenting with nuclear bombs (large scale data analysis). So, when people encapsulate the issue to "drama" or "friction vs. frictionless" I don't get a sense that the future is being thought of. In fact, for over a decade GGG has taken Glorfindel's advice:
(...) "Then,' said Glorfindel, 'let us cast it into the deeps, and so make the lies of Saruman come true. For it is clear now that even at the Council his feet were already on a crooked path. He knew that the Ring was not lost forever, but wished us to think so; for he began to lust for it himself. Yet often lies truth is hidden: in the sea it would be safe.'" An entire video essay about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDMNLYM4tE and why it's not a good approach. ![]() Blizzard has decided to listen to Frodo and Gandalf's advice... but they are doing so half-heartedly. Or even worst, they ignored the ring and just gave everyone access to money (RMAH) completely killing the game. Last Epoc, has decided to "experiment with something new" (half measures; give a piece of the ring to everyone). You see, the issue is not the ring. The issue is the imbalance. Ultimately, the problem in PoE is the system / mechanic that causes people to create their own solutions and a lack of moderation of these solutions. Here are the troublemakers: 1. Outdated chat. 2. Outdated social structures (guilds). 3. Absence of a guarantor of trustworthiness. 4. Absence of an escrow system that doesn't rely on people. 5. Items being listed eternally in the market. 6. Over a decade of datamined economic data. 7. Third-party tools that harvest your data. 8. Third-party tools that offer outdated (at best) market data. 9. Over reliance on third party tools to provide what should be basic in-game features: automatic speed-running timers, bulk / buy and sell on third party tools is still 100x better than the in-game offering, economy analysis tools (your stash, your guild, the entire economy). 10. Lack of a way to report (and see results) of illicit activities (RMT / BOT / Hacking / Datamining / Reverse Engineering). These are just 10 pieces of the ring, I'm sure I'm missing some. Ignoring it doesn't work. Half-heartedly addressing it doesn't work. Am I truly insane for suggesting that if everyone is special, then nobody is special? If we all own a full ring, nobody has an edge? Is it truly so farfetched to the average medieval Joe? I mean, people back in Plato's time seemed to be able to grasp the concept. Why can't we? Last bumped on Feb 8, 2024, 2:11:05 PM
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poe is the testing ground for poe2 for them, we are merely beta testers, they care not, tencent also has majority shares now so there's also that. Chris said they won't influence our version of the game, wouldn't hold him to that.
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" That's a lot of post for "I misread someone alluding to supply and demand as someone criticizing playing meta builds". |
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Really confused why you make an insanely convoluted ring comparison to then say it doesn't matter, it's about imbalance.
Personally, I can say that some of your 10 points might be accurate,some are weird to me. What should they do about 6 for example? |
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I thought we were playing Path of Exile, not Lord of the Ring???
" What in the heck was that about??? Hardly any of it has to do with imbalance. Did you not listen to the interview on the new economy changes? Also a few of these, well, they are the things that lead to a games implosion. I am so sick of people wanting to report everyone. If only people would play the game the way they like and stop trying to police everyone else. Ya some people are cheaters, but GGG is doing something about it, and you can always email support just like everyone else. If you make it easy everyone will report for frivolous things, but if it really really pisses you off you will take the time to email support. Blizzard made reporting easy to report, and now they have automated punishments if they get enough reports. This has lead to groups of people working together to silence and suspend people who in fact were never guilty. It creates opportunity for people to make victims of themselves instead of just playing the game. If you don't want people to see your data, turn it off. There are many people on league start who suddenly go from not being on the leader board to being lvl 97 on the second day. How did they do that? Well they made their account unable to be viewed so PoENinja can't see anything they do. I don't care if people leave their items in the market the entire league, and guess what, sometimes I make some good currency off that. They put it up for a divine and 8 weeks later when divines much easier to get I get the item I wanted for cheap. This sounds like a list for how to make game tyrannical far more than about imbalance. I would 100 X over want to see casters and melee balanced worked on than GGG spending any time on 90% of your list. The one things I want to see worked on GGG already said they are. Last edited by Valkaneer#5171 on Feb 1, 2024, 6:02:38 PM
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Eh the answer you got ... well its a bit true and false. Depends on the meta build.. and what you want. You dont NEED awakened multistrike to play SRS, and kill ubers, for example.
You can build several meta builds cheap as hell but requires a bit of knowledge of what to look out for/craft/mechanics to run. As well as different variants which may not scale to the absurd levels the normal one would do. But would be fine otherwise. An example of this would be non-poison SRS. Easy crafts, inexpensive to even clear ubers. TR still is a strong an easy to craft +3 bow option. Not expensive at all to scale it well. You dont even really need a +3 bow until you feel like not using quil rain anymore. Bonezone, DD, EA, and RF are also options that are very easy to get started with little investment. Now if you are talking something like Tshot or Coc-IceSpear then yea, your fault for choosing those specific builds because they require insane gear to really get going. Depends what you want though, it wasnt a 100% true or false thing to say to someone concerned with inflation and not being able to buy X. Mash the clean Last edited by Mashgesture#2912 on Feb 1, 2024, 6:11:16 PM
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Can I get a TLDR on that OP? I got lost somewhere around GGG using fictitious stories as a theme to running a business.
I poop, therefore I am.
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🤣 I had to ask chatgipity about the article:
" That's about right 🎯. |
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" You actually are going to use "I asked (Its ChatGPT BTW)" for validation on the post you wrote? ChatGPT can't even do basic math half the time or even play a game of chess. Somethings it can do well, but it is in no way able to think. It's a complex program of algorithms for an interactive language model. It can't think for itself. I can't imagine needing to ask a computer program if I did a good job to get validation and emotional support. You even called your post an article, you think it should be in a magazine or news paper? Well, it's long enough to be an article.... |
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" I saw the thread and assumed the OP was talking about a youtube video someone posted recently with the same title. Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi
He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 |
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