Kripparrian Interviews Jonathan about Path of Exile 2

Very excited to hear more PoE 2 news :D
Let them cook! :)
99% of POE2 misgivings seems to be about gameplay pace, funny yet serious quote here:

POE2 showcase gaming at exilecon. Roll, sidestep, roll, defensive temporary buff, roll, roll, damaging skill use, roll. Repeat. To drop a quest item in act 1-2.

Every other of those rolls and sidesteps are required to avoid effects that would 1-shot the character.

The counterargument being that the showcase gameplay isn't representative of the actual gameplay. "It's bad gear", "these things never show what the gameplay is like" and "it's bad skills they use".

In short, the target audience for POE2 do not seem to believe what they see in previews is true and the real gameplay.

On the off chance the interviewer is reading the threads (unsure if he uses forums), that is the general vague question I'd like some sort of response to:
- is the preview gamelay actually representative of POE2 or is it no-optimization bad support skills bad skills at a fraction of the damage output and a fraction of the defenses and maybe the player character level on stage at exilecon was way below target expected level?

If the showcase gameplay was really real, has the feedback adjusted the design direction?
Nice lets see!
Can't wait !!!
looking forward to this. jonathan is such a hero of the genre at this point, i remmeber you guys coming along and doing interviews on ziggy, zeno and pohxs podcast way back in the day. i watched the recent one with jonathan and mark you did for a big gamer channel, it was great to see that same passion and drive is still pushing you guys. the stuff that was showed off looked amazing, im so happy for you guys that you get to execute your visions on such a grand scale now with a truly top level of production standard.

honestly, jonathan, mark, rory, chris, rishi, all the other ppl behind the scenes we rarely see but are there putting in their all to make this game happen, you people are amazing. such genuinely good people and to see the level of talent and inspiration that has pushed this game from where we started in open beta 2013 to where it is now makes me so proud of all of you lot at GGG.

you guys are the best. im 42 years old, i got my mum to buy me a pc to play the original wolfenstien 3D and doom back at the start of the 90s when it was 3086s and using autoexe.configsomething.batwhatever boot disks just to be able to run a game like doom. in all that time you guys are the best dev studio i have ever witnessed, in my entire life. hands down, hats off, undisputed.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Is or will there be an "Recent answered questions" for POE2 as we already have it for POE1?
There will be a good interview with a question about new quick trading system between players
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