[3.25] Guide Power Siphon - Trikster - Afana (Full Unique)

CarbotZergling123 wrote:
Sodee2 wrote:
It seems like I'm missing something REALLY important, but I can't put my finger on it. Looking over most other folks on poe ninja, they have 2-4x more damage than I do. I know I'm missing the 10% attack speed corruption on gloves and the +1 power charge corruption on helm, and I'm only 92... but lacking 2-5 million damage over some of the others doesn't make sense to me.


Your build has basically no pen, your tincture is missing 48% pen right there, your watchers eye is adding to an already fairly loaded mod instead of having lightning pen. The power charge corruption is worth a lot but you are also missing out on a golem (lightning golem is the best damage boost of them) and you haven't maxed out your gems, get a 20 qual vaal power siphon you're missing out on a bunch of crit multiplier as a result and you have level 20 wrath instead of 21, which is a bunch of lost base damage in a build without much in the way of it. Additionally you really should have some sort of mitigation skill, the build recommends frost shield but I find that I dodge way too much to leverage frost shield well and instead use steelskin to let me ignore bleeds.

you must not have read the "Immunity options:" section, I am immune to almost all debuffs in the game, as for the golem in the current scenario of the game's maps, it does not survive 1 second, and all construction is done for you. If you need mana to connect 3 auras of 50% mana, then it is impossible to use arctic armor, on this case the Vaal power siphon version does not apply the effect of the amulet, making it much inferior to the normal version, i.e. 20/23 is better than Vaal 21/20. And finally 99% of the pen with just the tinture, it's very strong
What changes to this build would you make if you have Mageblood, and thus don't use Absorption Charges? Do you still use Ralakesh's Impatience?
Nepgeardam wrote:
What changes to this build would you make if you have Mageblood, and thus don't use Absorption Charges? Do you still use Ralakesh's Impatience?

int stack
Would it just be the rings, wand, and boots in this case? Or are any of those vital to the functionality when combined with with MB. Does your choice of Tincture change to something else?
Last edited by Nepgeardam#4526 on Jan 2, 2024, 7:26:43 AM
I have done this build, but I reach 2 million dps, all the objects are practically the same, I don't understand where I got so much damage, thx.
Original build: https://pobb.in/s_jHeDGGjkRM
My build: https://pobb.in/Id4MOLt96HJd
Last edited by Sabanitas#3847 on Jan 2, 2024, 9:19:43 AM
Sabanitas wrote:
I have done this build, but I reach 2 million dps, all the objects are practically the same, I don't understand where I got so much damage, thx.
Original build: https://pobb.in/s_jHeDGGjkRM
My build: https://pobb.in/Id4MOLt96HJd

you need to follow the pob for the build based on your level, you're missing all the wand nodes at the top
anoint your amulet
corrupt wrath for lvl 21

Afana, how does the headhunter feel for juiced maps? Thinking about getting one next
first of all, awesome build.
I'm having a lot of fun with that and without having to sell my kidneys.

Do you have any follow updates for the build? I mean, rare itens to craft, maybe "min-max"

Again, I really enjoyed the build. Hope you get the build of the week highlight for it.
Do we still need the Elemental Mastery that inverts the enemy resistance if we have so much lightning pen?
Chaniboy wrote:
Do we still need the Elemental Mastery that inverts the enemy resistance if we have so much lightning pen?

The way elemental mastery invert resistance functions is that it halves the average resist of the enemy as long as you don't have more than 200 - the enemy resist pen. Even with ideal gearing we don't exceed 150 pen, which is the big breakpoint as pinnacle bosses and ubers have 50 ele resist. As such we still get full benefit from the mastery and while it is on an already loaded multiplier it is still a multiplier all its own. The exact damage calculation is a fair bit trickier but I think it is still one of the most damaging mastery points available by a fairly significant margin.
Nepgeardam wrote:
What changes to this build would you make if you have Mageblood, and thus don't use Absorption Charges? Do you still use Ralakesh's Impatience?

any attempt to put MB in the build was very disappointing, because the build wasn't designed to use it, and I think it fits better in an INT STACK build. Yes, there is an idea in the power charge rings, but that would leave the build costing 2 to 3 mirrors.

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