[US Guild]3.23League Focused-New Player Friendly Guild- Keepers of the Exiled recruiting

First time touching POE this league. Looking for any help/recommendations from a guild that I can get. Still have room?
Any chance you are still recruiting? Just returning after taking a break for D4.
If you all are still recruiting, would love to join. Finally getting into this game hard and want to keep going and find a community to be part of.
How can I join?
Hello. I am a long time gamer. Looking for a new guild (old guild went all HC) I am semi experienced in POE have 5000 hours game time and have played almost every league since launch on ps consoles. I typically play 20-40 hours a week depending on my schedule. I like to run in groups, I am always up to help newbies, or be helped by the elites . I use voice chat with good gear and try to be respectful, but of course have fun
Looking forward to hearing from you

Hey if you are still recruiting I would like to join. I am quite new and would love to play with others to learn this game! IGN: NefariousWhisper
Last edited by NefariousOtaku#2129 on Dec 21, 2023, 5:40:53 PM
I would really like to join if you are still looking, my IGN is Buterblume
Hey is the guild still open, I'm not a new player, started back in harbinger league but im very casual and would like to hopefully meet some people who can teach how to get better and actually start to make my own builds, ign is AFF_EK_RYLO
Last edited by ILLUS1VE19#6730 on Jan 19, 2024, 3:30:29 AM
Are you guys still recruiting? Looking to join a laid back guild.
Are you guys still recruiting if so xD
Ign : ejrk (roykeem)

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