New Core Supporter Packs Available Now!

best packs 100%

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Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
OMG, this was insanely cool.

Yah these look pretty good. Im getting some.
ButthurtPleb wrote:
You had a literal year.

And bills. Hence my interest in the cutoff date, so I could try to work something out.

Archwizard wrote:
Not only that, but was posted on Nov. 5 saying packs would end in a couple weeks.

Then on Nov.21 was posted as a reminder and also said if you wished to get a pack and set up a payment plan that could last up to 3 months they'd be happy to do that, just email support.

Yes, hence the email to support I described above, asking when the cutoff date would be, so that I could do exactly that. And hence my annoyance at receiving a non-answer that was not only useless but wildly implausible.

Note also that in the past, packs leaving the store has generally been preceded by a post that states a date when that would be happening, generally some time after a post that states in vague terms it will be happening in the near future. The two bits in bold above are not equivalent.

[Removed by Support]
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Last edited by Jenn_GGG#0000 on Dec 13, 2023, 12:30:21 AM
gremlins <3
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
Took a one month break from the game because I felt a tiny amount of burnout. That made me love the game even more and play the league mechanic for the first time after playing in standard for 700+ hours. It also made me buy the $60 supporter pack. Who knew taking break would made me spend money LOL.
I cannot find where it says how long these are going to be available until. Anyone help me out with this answer please?
You don't have to be Pro to have FUN!!
MLGonthorian wrote:
Why are the 2023 core supporter packs not available until the end of December? I was saving up money just to get it and now it got removed.

This whole FOMO mindset of selling mtx seems really predatory. Can't we pay more to get the packs if we missed out on them or have some compromise? It's not like it's a league challenge reward, it's a pack you're selling and you're giving a limited time frame as to when we can buy the pack.

We're on the same boat. It usually leaves at the end of the year and we still have a week or so. Two if you counted from when the new ones came out. Kinda heartbroken now that I can't get what I was saving up all this year.
Первые 2а пака супер. Остальное - говно.
kilenc9 wrote:
Soo GGG has started the pay to win shit....

I have a similar feeling about Valdo's puzzle box. What puzzle? more like a poorly designed death-trap map box, in some cases, its a easy determined mageblood/some chase item which was an RNG drop before (div card or other wise).

reliquary key was different because the drop was not written on top of the key!!

now people can literally buy a map with determined drops in it for which someone have paid for in dollars (p2w? idk)
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024

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