Transfigured Gems Part 5

Mana rf...? GGG wtf are you doing...
I mostly try some kind of galvanic field build and was quite excited for the changes, now i am really surprised as they not just removed the "usable" standart quality but selected the worst of all quality options to be the remaining one.
they removed both AOE options with chain and increased area from the alternate qualities as well as the chain helm enchant

and the trans gem is basically the same just much worse..

it appears " Alternate quality gems, labyrinth helmet enchantments and unique threshold jewels are all systems that were trying to subtly modify the behaviour of skills. With this expansion these have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems that allows us to fully achieve the goal of these three systems, and then some. " has another meaning as i thought it has
Last edited by Burgerking123456 on Dec 8, 2023, 11:20:39 AM
This looks like another 3 months of Standard... or 3 months of taking a break from this shitshow.

Voltaxic Burst/Lightning Warp user logging out. Thanks for nothing GGG.
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.
lets go
Y'all have fun beta testing now you hear?
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
Where are the transfigured support gems ?
Holy hell mana rf :O
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
RIP Vortex. You were my favorite build.
you basically killed buff golem builds by removing anima stone. the build wasnt even very good

can we get something to replace it?
People really need to chill. GGG has specifically said all the gems are being worked on. Your skills still exist. If you were banking on league starting with an alt qual gem, you were doing yourself a disservice.

Read your 20/20 gems, read the FAQ for Sin's sake, and have a fuckin' beer.

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