Transfigured Gems Part 3

ggg can we please make LA to convert 60% instead of 50% of phys to lightning please please?
launches unpredictable sparks with that move randomly
can we get a grammar check on spark of unpredictablity
Emertus wrote:
I think they're delaying RF [Removed by Support] to think about playing with a new toy. How is it that a game with this many options exists and people still insist on playing the same thing over and over and then crying about "build diversity?"

These look amazing. Rage Vortex Blade Vortex should pair nicely with the new cleave, and I can't wait for my trio of queens

Why so offensive? Do you have prove that every player calling for RF complains about missing build diversity? Why do you mind what others play? Why does it bother you if someone plays RF for 10 leagues in a row? [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Timothy_GGG on Dec 6, 2023, 5:26:56 PM
Phantasmal SST died for this... Dead build.
RF when
Mentoya wrote:
No Rf? Seriously? Everyone who's commenting "Where's Rf?" also please create a separate post under feedback requesting RF be fixed! The more players that make posts about this the better... And please don't buy any stash tabs or anything else to support GGG until a change is made.......

I legit dont understand why people like you cry so much, RF has been meta for so long. Just get past it and move on thats life.....
CWC raise zombie of falling lol
do dang excited to spam exploding sky zombies on everything, best new skill since 3.14. now just add a dropbear mtx :D
Can we have a higher limit on the SRS gem please. Like 8 or 10? MI does not work on minions you replace, so this is not going to feel that fun to play. With zero cast speed investment, it is not hard to get to like 9+ while standing still. Unless you want us to not use unleash, which isn't great can you at least bump the limit to 7 in that scenario. Zero investment in cast speed gets you to 7 now without unleash. (This is all with a negative res Tavukai btw. Without the Tavukai, it can go all the way to 20). This gem would be unplayable without Tavukai.

Alternatively, changing the interaction so replaced minions could as going below MI threshhold would work at a limit of six.
Where RF?

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