Transfigured Gems Part 3

Raise spectres continue to lose, this is the most worthless gem I have ever seen.
I think there is a typo for arc. It’s says with that.
Buff massively spell gems and don't touch melee at all.... good plan.
Last edited by Taypalm93 on Dec 6, 2023, 4:23:07 PM
horde ice golem looks great! the gem itself is like 2x damage with 3 max golem? it could be 20~30% of overall damage
we demand compensation for buff-based golem builds.
QcGreywolf wrote:
Lol, thank you GGG! This league looks like it is finally going to be a little bit different. A little shakeup, which is what we needed.

Also, the tears of the RF crowd are tickling the cockles of my heart, the pages of screams are making me smile. These guys are RABID, which is probably a pretty good sign that something needed to be changed.

Play a different skill my dudes, there's HUNDREDS of them.

dont you tell me how to have fun..
Ashriel wrote:
This batch is most interesting so far. Can't wait for the last one.

I have bad news


This might be the last batch :D
are you just trying to troll pohx lol

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