Transfigured Gems Part 2

Why did you nerf cast speed on ek circle gem? You removed the enchant and then reintroduced it in a nerfed state, and it’s harder to acquire on top of that. When other gems such as TS just got their best enchant added to the base gem for free.

Please change the base cast speed on ek to 0.60 instead of 0.75 for the transfigured gem. No one will be using this outside of ignite builds. Base gem + Nimis is better for poison builds than a transfigured gem is….
Last edited by Sharpy2489#2772 on Dec 5, 2023, 4:14:51 PM
Jarren999 wrote:
Where's Frost Blades!?

Part 1 doode
Typo @ eye of Winter, missing an of @ number projectiles
In GGG we trust.
I'm SadgeCry
Glacial Cascade couldn't get a more boring change.
Path of Lance
On the new Blink and Mirror Arrow gems, there's a clone limit of 3. Is that 3 total clones or 3 clones per gem? For example, if you had all four of the new variations, could you put out a total of 12 clones plus however many you can upkeep from OG Blink and Mirror Arrow?
No one is going to play this...

Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen#1295 on Dec 5, 2023, 3:47:20 PM
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