Transfigured Gems Part 1

palamantanta wrote:
Pixle_Twitch wrote:
Cyclone builds are back.

10% less movement speed per stage

Let me do the math for you. This is 60% less movement speed at max stages.

If you tend to cyclone through the map you better bring some time with you.
Or you whirling blade or leap slam or shield charge instead and only hit cyclone to get first 3 stages. how is this supposed to work out in a mapping scenario. I don´t get it.

I think you must use items or skills when that does not allow you to reduce the speed of actions less than 100 (150 you use boots)
palamantanta wrote:

look up the builds using this item in combination with cyclone on poeninja and tell me if they attract you.

What? This boots for NEW gems, from NEW league. Obviosly, nobody use this boots, because in current moment we have no gems, which gain massive bonus and massive downscale (which is negated by these boots).
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This mechanic dump is imo a beta test for poe 2. The one two flavor of the revealed gems matches the one two work flow hyped in the poe videos.

I'm sad for 2 reasons.
1. Poe 1 is dying, it's being cannibalized.
2. I don't like being forced into the one two play style.

Also, apparently, minions in poe 2 compete with auras via "spirit" reservation? Yet more hate for a bullet heaven play style. As I get older this feels ageist, and ableist.

I have CP in my right hand. Only 2 of the fingers are standard issue. Why must you force task piano and or tryhard day trading for every pack?

I'm so tired of being kicked out the the game. I'm constantly having to exit to reference some esoteric crafting guide or pob or trade. Not EVERYTHING needs to be a slot machine.

And they broke ward loop apparently with deleting alts. (And lenses, heist as alternative to lab via lenses could have been a nice bit of player choice, but no, can't have that.)

I get pulling gems out of heist only. But putting them in labs only is pan and fire to me. I hate labs anyway. At least let me do them all at once. (Uber first if I can pull it off.)

All this stuff reminds me of how little freedom I have. I can't mod it, I can't play an old version. And there is absolutely no real mechanism for activism/reform.

It's GGG's way or the highway and I'm forcibly reminded of that every second either by inexplicable policy choices that I don't trust as being good faith or face value, and a hyper vigilant section of the player base, some of whom are literally paid, ready to end my posts and or scold me for not singing praises 24/7.

99% of removed text on this forum is merely criticism, it's not slurs and obscenity or what most of us would say rises to the level of warranted removal.

I'll play of course but once again if I do spend any money it will be nickels compared to previous spending. Like just enough to top up my weta for boxes fund.

And I will never buy a battle pass.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen#6153 on Dec 5, 2023, 3:47:37 AM
ouuhhhh yes next league is gonna be big
Should have kept the old system and just kept on making new interesting skills. this is pretty lame
Amazing ! I was so nervous about Cleave, I kept it for the end, love the changes !

Excited about charged dash, wanders skills, mirage archer clones, dark pact, cold skills and the new supporters packs !
NoSimpleWay wrote:
palamantanta wrote:

look up the builds using this item in combination with cyclone on poeninja and tell me if they attract you.

What? This boots for NEW gems, from NEW league. Obviosly, nobody use this boots, because in current moment we have no gems, which gain massive bonus and massive downscale (which is negated by these boots).

Cyclone trickster might be a thing this league
what exactly is the point of new contagions?

subsiding has terrible aoe and less damage than essence drain. you wouldn't use it with ED because bad aoe, and you wouldn't use it as a main skill because again, bad aoe and zdps. this is good for a tier 5 farming MF build, but that's it. might see play in ed-cont as the second 6L instead of blight, but that build will have terrible single target dps.

transference is just... pointless? transfers when I hit? if I hit an enemy with something, and I'm in a situation where I need my contagion to spread, that enemy is almost guaranteed to die to my hit anyway, which would spread the original contagion in the first place. there could be some extremely specific situations where you would want to spread it first, because it's difficult to kill any individual enemy (maybe flawless breachstones), but it's still pointless because you're not going to kill anything if you can't even kill a single enemy to initiate the spread in such a situation and need this to work. could also be used with asenath's mark, but for what purpose?

who designs these? some of the skills had so much potential, but it's all gone to waste

look at blight of atrophy, base duration is 1 second, but the secondary duration is higher than the original gem. obviously you would never use this over the original blight on a build that uses blight to deal damage. so this is just longer hinder and reduced life regeneration? if this is the best you could come up with, I don't know what to say. I could come up with more original and thematically improved contagion and blight gems in like 10 minutes. shame.

lots of other skills got obliterated in this patch but I'm too tired to explain. please leave skill gem balancing to people who've actually played with the skill gem in question.
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Dec 5, 2023, 5:45:48 AM
palamantanta wrote:
NoSimpleWay wrote:
palamantanta wrote:

10% less movement speed per stage

This can help: Stampede

look up the builds using this item in combination with cyclone on poeninja and tell me if they attract you.

Only thing to consider. Stampede is now only unique boots with enchantment and actually they are not that bad. I played cyclone with them and can't say that playstyle was bad in any way.

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