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Path of Exile 2 and Path of Exile: Affliction Recently Asked Questions

How does respeccing Wildwood Ascendancies work?
Unlike normal Ascendancy Classes, respeccing points in a Wildwood Ascendancy Class only costs one refund point per passive. Also, you do not have to fully refund your Wildwood Ascendancy to switch to a different one. To change your Wildwood Ascendancy, you'll just need to find the associated Azmeri Wanderer in the Viridian Wildwood.
Why did you add the line ''Smaller explosions have between 30% reduced and 30% increased base radius at random'' to Explosive Trap?
Explosive Trap has always worked this way. This is purely an update to the description.
If you're releasing the Transfigured Gems alphabetically, why are some gems missing?
Not all the Transfigured Gems are quite ready yet. We'll post them when they're ready though!
Will Alteration Orbs applied to a Simplex Amulet always result in a magic item with 0 explicit modifiers?
Will 'reforge' crafts (Chaos orbs, Harvest reforges and other similar effects) applied to a Simplex Amulet always have 3 modifiers?
Contagion of Subsiding reads, in part, ''each time it spreads, it only deals three-quarters as much damage as before''. If it spreads twice, is it dealing 56.25% base damage to foes affected, or 50%?
56.25% (which also prevents it from running out of damage entirely after 4 spreads).
The three Enriched Eternal Labyrinths modify the Divine Font and/or Lab chests in various ways. How will these work after the patch?
The Eternal Labyrinths of Fortune and Opportunity are unchanged. The Eternal Labyrinth of Potential does something a bit different to what it used to, but you'll have to find out exactly what for yourself!
With Consecrated Path of Endurance, does the endurance charge that you spend to bypass the cooldown contribute damage and AoE?
Does Cyclone of Tumult share the pre-3.23 base Cyclone gem's +1 max stage breakpoints at gem levels 21, 26 and 32?
No, it has 6 maximum stages at all levels.
Blink and Mirror Arrow of Prismatic Clones causes your new minion allies to use Elemental Hit. What gem level Elemental Hit is the damage based off?
It is not directly comparable to the player version of Elemental Hit. It has the same base behaviour of picking an element and ignoring damage of other types, and can be manipulated by Combat Focus jewels, but it does not have an area of effect component or deal more damage to enemies per ailment on them. It also only has a 20% chance to freeze, shock and ignite. The description will be updated to refer to it by a different name to avoid being misleading.

Similarly, the Bombarding Clones variations will be updated to not call out Rain of Arrows by name, as the clones only fire 11 arrows by default rather than any of the amounts available to players. The skill is otherwise mechanically identical.

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