Righteous fire
are you suggesting a complete rework of RF as a skill? Because that's what it seems like...yet you are stating it in a very strange way.
The gem burns life AND ES, CI be damned. No matter what level of mitigation you have, if you have 1 life as per CI you are instantly dead upon turning on RF. THAT'S why its an either/or thing. ES doesn't get burned before life when dealing with RF; they burn simultaneously. As far as I'm aware it is currently impossible to reach 100% fire mitigation....and if you were able to reach that point then RF is even more broken powerful than it already is. (powerful = offensive AND defensive together, I am well aware that it doesn't put out the same dps as other builds). I guess its not the end of the world to introduce transfigured versions that ONLY burn life or ONLY burn ES...But the numbers and functions of the skill would have to be HEAVILY adjusted. Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Dec 5, 2023, 4:26:39 PM
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" It just revert to pre-3.8 behavior and the flat damage version probably just became transfigured gem edit: i mean the recent 3.23 change on RF This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong? quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature Last edited by neohongkong#0222 on Dec 5, 2023, 9:03:41 PM
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" As far as I can remember...RF has ALWAYS burned both life and ES at the same time. The flat damage plays no role in the OP's argument. He is asking for the skill to work with CI...which sets your life to 1. RF, in every incarnation of it, would immediately kill you. The OP specifically asked if it would only turn off if BOTH ES and Life reach 0...but life would immediately go to zero anyway. Nothing would functionally change. Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Dec 5, 2023, 9:03:34 PM
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" Then someone is using the wrong forum Skill Gem Feedback: RF But i wonder the devs would answer the request to work with CI This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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^thats true...but basically no one uses the gem info forums lol. Even GGG doesn't update them with new gems. Hence...feedback
As the skill is now, and has always been: it would be functionally impossible to use it with CI. Any kind of recovery happens AFTER you take damage so you would hit 0 life BEFORE any kind of regen effects. Once you hit 0 you are dead: no matter what. That is what 0 life translates to in game code. The reason why RF turns off at 1hp, and can't be turned ON at 1 hp is because you die...likely even before the animation turns on for RF. There exists no total immunity to RF damage in the current game. You would need to be taking less than .5 damage per second. That isn't even possible with 90% fire resistances at level 1 with no added health other than base. Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Dec 5, 2023, 9:12:32 PM
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" That is not true, RF burns % of life and ES but the damage is taken as fire. If you do not have sources of ES bypass then the damage will be taken from ES before life just like any physical/elemental damage by default. That is why low-life or CI RF would work perfectly fine. The only problem is that RF cannot be turned on with CI as it stops at 1 life and you have 1 life. I'm not asking for a skill rework, just the ability to be able to turn on RF with CI to allow for more ES RF build diversity Last edited by demon7310#6336 on Dec 6, 2023, 2:17:06 AM
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" Okay then I was mistaken! It's been a very long time since I made a hybrid RF character. I was under the assumption for a VERY long time (including multiple RF builds...) that you burn both at the same time as per the skill description. If it is indeed the case that, currently, ES is still burned before life is even touched then....yea it should work with CI. It should function exactly the same as Blood Rage Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Dec 6, 2023, 4:11:07 PM
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" LOL. So? You going to increase it just for a mob to rip it off. There is even a tormented spirit that removes flask charges on hit. It is 100% completely useless to really on flask. Anyone who has ever tried that flask recently has regretted it greatly. And your just adding to the list of mods on maps you can't run. There are so many things in POE that should work but don't. You can invest all you want into flask duration. Like I attempted one build a few leagues ago. Only to have drought bringer and other mobs make that build 100% completely useless. GGG likes making random things break the build. They like having one shots. And therefor. I don't believe they will ever even consider doing this. As in make RF work with CI. And if you try and use the flaks Like I did a few leagues back. Then your just a sucker waiting to be punished by unfair, unforgiving, and unfun game mechanics. That are there because GGG doesn't like how players used ABC things to make XYZ builds. Even if your build doesn't fall into the target build they are trying to get rid of. I made a theory craft for the changes. Using the new Blood magic like tree. And got the chars HP to 10k+ But the DPS was still only 500k on uber bosses. And that is with perfect gear. Basically what I am saying is RF is probable a dead build this league. And I wouldn't recommend trying it. That is just a regret waiting to happen. Just play the build GGG wants everyone to play. Like TS. If you play anything else your likely to just punish yourself. For not realizing GGG doesn't want anyone to play anything else. Last edited by AngryFan#6446 on Dec 7, 2023, 12:12:17 AM
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" I have a mana stacking build in mind that can get 40/50K es probably, with the new RF gem this can reach millions of DPS easily without stacking dot multi. The flat damage you get out of hp is high enough to make it good, and for HC the defenses are pretty insane too so I think its a really cool build. |
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And cmon post the transfigured RF stats already league is starting so soon :D |
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