Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

artek88pl wrote:
so they removed metemorph entirely...what about Astral Projector though is it gone forever? :(

Read the patch's been added to the core drop pool
Last edited by xFloaterzx on Nov 30, 2023, 5:45:50 PM
anything performance wise?
swarls68 wrote:
removing existing alt quality gems in std must be one of the most out of touch decisions ggg has ever made. A lot of ppl spend tons of currency on getting the perfect alt quality gems for their build and now they just get taken away.
I thought the ex to div change was the worst thing to ever happen to std, but this rly takes the cake.

Sad to see how little ggg cares about std players.

I still can't believe this is real. Like removing Metamorph, Perandus and Prophecy were bad enough.

To make it even worse, we're removing all alt gems and replacing it with a small new pool of gems from affliction. Why...

They can't just add the new gems from affliction and keep the alt gems from Heist?

Seriously, who is making these decisions?

Whoever on the team is sitting there saying to remove everything they worked on from the game, can they sit back for a moment and look at what they are doing?
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Takiah wrote:
Is Vortex gem dead?

Maybe you can change the gem in the labyrint so that it works again as before. Who knows, I still believe in it:D
so where is expansion? I was waiting for another maven/elder content but its just another league while GGG said its expansion
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
I'm beyond disappointed you bricked every character in standard.
looking good, cant wait to play the league
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
F Ashes
I was here for this magical moment!
Level 20 Bladestorm is 180% damage effectiness (from 150%) in the Affliction presentation page but no mention in the patch note. Will it be still at 150% ?

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