Path of Exile: Affliction Teasers

MLGonthorian wrote:
Why remove Metamorph?

Removing Perandus was a mistake

Removing Prophecy and Metamoprh especially were mistakes.

Prophecy allowed you to modify your maps in a somewhat deterministic way. Frogs, rats, tempests.

Perandus gave you a chance to get a unique deterministically.

Metamorph gave you more challenging mobs that you can get in a map and gave you an extra boss you can fight on top of another boss you can fight later with combining the pieces.

Removing alt gems from Heist makes no sense either. Like, why? Legitimately, why? They can't keep it on top of adding new content?

There is no reason to remove previous content considering the engine CAN handle it and the devs stated multiple times that it can. Runescape for instance has content that is still in the game that was released back in 1998.

The whole "league popularity" argument makes no sense either and sounds like another easy cop-out reason to remove content.

Like I legitimately don't understand these decisions. It's not content bloat, this is just an easy cop-out way for you to remove more content that your team would have to keep track of in upcoming updates.

You forgot Harvest. Harvest was removed as well, now it's just a crafting bench. I can see them deleting/replacing it next league as well.
I loved Harvest in its second form: you kill mobs, get a bunch of crafts, use them on the bases you have, or sell them, make money. Now it feels shallow. Harvest has no soul, might as well remove it entirely and find a way to move the crafts somewhere else.
Largely I like the skill changes and no longer being tied to quality is clearly letting them be more experimental with the alternate effects. I do dislike the number of gems that now have quality breakpoints, often offering nothing until 20% quality. +3% quality is theoretically a beneficial corruption, but it does basically nothing on so many of them.
More teasers please
That's a juicy one!!
MLGonthorian wrote:
Why remove Metamorph?

Removing Perandus was a mistake

Removing Prophecy and Metamoprh especially were mistakes.

Prophecy allowed you to modify your maps in a somewhat deterministic way. Frogs, rats, tempests.

Perandus gave you a chance to get a unique deterministically.

Metamorph gave you more challenging mobs that you can get in a map and gave you an extra boss you can fight on top of another boss you can fight later with combining the pieces.

Removing alt gems from Heist makes no sense either. Like, why? Legitimately, why? They can't keep it on top of adding new content?

There is no reason to remove previous content considering the engine CAN handle it and the devs stated multiple times that it can. Runescape for instance has content that is still in the game that was released back in 1998.

The whole "league popularity" argument makes no sense either and sounds like another easy cop-out reason to remove content.

Like I legitimately don't understand these decisions. It's not content bloat, this is just an easy cop-out way for you to remove more content that your team would have to keep track of in upcoming updates.

good thing GGG doesn't listen to these nutballs, imagine if every league mechanic was core, what a shit show
I'm happy they delete metamorph and just look at Animate Guardian. He really said "It smite time". It's truly a game changer
Last edited by OCEAMMAN on Dec 1, 2023, 2:34:22 PM
Metamorph was trash, no one ever did.
One can only hope Delve goes next. Affliction is a far better, more engage-friendly system that I would love to see go core in its place. If Woah-timatum can replace Metamorph, then Aff can get rid of the crapfest that is Delve.
Ghazzy is okay? lol

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