Mac client crashes on launch

The updater appeared to be downloading when I started the game on my mac today. The game will not launch after the latest patch. I tried a few things and can not run the installer. with the error message: "(null): You don’t have permission to save the file “Path of” in the folder “Path of Exile”."

- Tried to check permissions: Path of Exile game has permission to read and write to the disk
- Tried renaming the launcher and downloading it again
- Tried launching directly from the application folder instead of from a shortcut
- Tried deleting the game and downloading again.

None of those things worked. When I tried a fresh download it asked me to give permissions and I did. Game still crashes on launch with the same error message. (null): You don’t have permission to save the file “Path of” in the folder “Path of Exile”.

Not sure what the issue is here. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 8:15:26 PM
I have completely the same problem.
Please let us know if you find a fix.
I was having the same problem. (on M1 laptop)

This worked for me :

Go to /Users/<your user>/Library/Application Support/Path of Exile/

I ran the Path of Exile app from here and I was able to download the patch and start the game.

Afterwards, I was able to use the usual icon in the Applications folder.

I tried this on a whim and can't explain why it'd work but feel free to give it a try.
Last edited by misterfob on Oct 27, 2023, 10:14:20 AM
It worked! Your are a genius!

Thank you so much!
That did not work for me. :-(
So no POE for me until this is fixed by GGG.
M1 Mac Mini.
Last edited by exile109 on Oct 29, 2023, 4:28:23 AM
exile109 wrote:
That did not work for me. :-(
So no POE for me until this is fixed by GGG.
M1 Mac Mini.

Update! Deleting and re-installing POE fixed the problem for me
There is definitely a bug that GGG should address in that everything was working fine and then this issue started. (fwiw: I'm on Mac m2 running Ventura 13.6.3 macOS)

But I found I could get the game to work after a number of attempts.
(NB: FYI: unlike the advice above, there is NO folder for POE in /Library/Application Support)

1. go to the applications folder, right click and trash the app.
2. Shutdown your machine ... logging out isn't enough, restart and login
3. download the app from the POE site & install it. I found that the installer doesn't exit so I had to kill it
4. run the game, and wait... It seems to run the patcher, then you have to hit "Launch" and wait some more and then you finally get the to login screen for the game.

Maybe just shutting down the Mac and restarting and running the app would have been enough, so I suggest you try this first before doing the 4 steps above.
Having this exact problem on league launch today. None of the recommended solutions worked for me.
Heyo! Working from a fresh machine, and a fresh installation, the comments in this thread were useful in figuring out a workaround and getting the game to launch.

However, I had to dig a bit into uncharted territory to clear the relevant cache and application support data from my Mac. As some others have mentioned in this thread, it might not be located under your user directory.

If you're unable to find anything concerning PoE or GGG under [I]<user>/Library/Application Support [/I] as I did then you'll likely find it somewhere else on your Mac. It's out there somewhere, you can sense it, can't you?

Strap in.

I looked at the package contents of the application installed from the .dmg file which we download from this website. Under Path of you'll see a unix script which boots the launcher up. This means of launching crashes as before, downloading a couple of dozen megs, rebooting and failing to do so (presumedly). What's useful here is that the script actually emits some information as to where it considers the application data should reside. Run it and you'll see exactly where data you want to clear is located.

The logs will mention directories for a PoE root, cache, preferences and folder. Bingo. Pop blood rage, stack some frenzies and fire all cannons. This is all the data you need to clear and it should apply to anyone encountering the issue equally.

In my case, the script pointed me to some data under /private/var/root/Library/. By default, users do not have access to this directory as a safety precaution. You'll have to open up a terminal with root privileges, browse to the directory and delete it. You can completely brick your machine doing this so I urge extreme caution.

1. Open a terminal
2. Type ´sudo -s´ from the terminal in order to open up a new terminal as a root user. You'll be prompted to input your users password here.
3. Navigate to the relevant root directories using the root terminal and cannonball the application data with a ´rm -rf´. This is where a small mistype can likely brick your machine. I suggest taking a few practice shots against another folder NOT using root access if you're unfamiliar with the command. God speed exile.

So, with all the data referenced from the script gone, I was able to boot up the launcher, download the client and run the game. Hope this helps you. Yes I'm sane, thank you.

If you're a GGG employee reading this, running the MacOS script again from my terminal after applying the workaround, it instead points to my user library, not my root user library. This might or might not be relevant to a permanent solution. The issue was encountered by myself, today, on an M1 Pro using Sonoma 14.5.
Last edited by stormcrawler on Jun 4, 2024, 8:21:05 PM

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