PoE 1 PC servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

ExileCon 2023 Path of Exile 2 Q&A

sad to see no campaign skip.... its the biggest bore of poe to me, i cant stand doing it again and again just to try a different build, might play it a few builds but sadly, i think this is the time to call it quits, im not gonne spend my time on insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to change, when they wont
RIP my free time lol
The Holy Bible
The main question for me is will GGG transfer multi-threading bug to PoE2 engine.
Last edited by Beglets#2772 on Oct 13, 2023, 12:53:35 AM
Paht Of Exile 2

"By Diablo 4 players, for Diablo 4 players."
Last edited by bretzelus#1789 on Oct 13, 2023, 8:54:29 AM
So far it looks like a slow ARPG. Which is not what this fan base is.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Elicius wrote:
I'm genuinely looking forward to PoE2, but my question since the announcements (to which I can't seem to find the answer in searching): Will PoE get PoE2's Gem system?

I realise I'm super casual, and a forevernoob, but I would genuinely love to know.

They answered this and said no so far. This system is only for POE 2.

I get that your are casual, BUT i suggest you watch all infos from Exile Con 2 day1&day2 on the youtube channel.


Check all the panels, it is worth it.
When will the Polish version be available?
Darthkip wrote:
sad to see no campaign skip.... its the biggest bore of poe to me, i cant stand doing it again and again just to try a different build, might play it a few builds but sadly, i think this is the time to call it quits, im not gonne spend my time on insanity, doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to change, when they wont

Sad about this too :S Was just thinking about the same thing while I was levelling my 3rd Ancestor character awhile ago

Campaign is fun for me but I wish there was an option to head straight to the endgame :S
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Oct 14, 2023, 6:05:37 PM

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