[finished] Competition for 2 (or more :-) ) Beta Keys! [/finished]

Hi all,
I happen to have 2 spare Beta keys others may join and contribute their keys afteer I end the competition, there are mayn more that deserve keys then just 2 or 3.

I have decided to give it to the community here. But not just to the first to post here.

I announce two competition, winner of each gets the beta key.

First is for those who like drawing/painting.
Please draw any monster ( http://www.pathofexile.com/monsters/ ) from PoE, but no photoshoped pictures of screenshots! I mean you can use any medium when paiting, but you have to paint/draw it from scratch, not just edit some existing picture.

Second is for those who are not so good in drawing/painting.
Write a short story what will you do after you get a Beta key to PoE. Most interesting one will win.

I will decide the winners. There cannot be only one winner for both competitions. But you can enter both, each in separate post.

Competition ends today night (Europe), so about 9 hours from this post.
I reserve the right to extend the competition time till tomorrow.

Good luck to all ;-)
[ /finished]

EDIT: So we have winners, two names are xNomadx and ilalim! But thank you all, and dont worry I hope others with eys will come here and give some more keys amongst you. You all deserve one!

One more key given by 4jilak to prinze222!
IGN: Mayon
Never argue with stupid people,
they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Mark Twain
Last edited by blacksource#6231 on Jun 4, 2012, 9:53:02 AM
I'm going for the second one.

Firstly, I will grab a monster 9'er, start up PoE which I already downloaded, log in, create a Duelist, and grind at the starting area.

After that, I will meet up with my friends, do some quests and leveling, get epic gear, and go bossing.

I will also try to be as most active on the forums reporting bugs and that sorts of things.

EDIT : NVM, I got the beta :D
EDIT 2 : Actually, another friend of mine is also in need of a key so count me still in for the key :P
A man can have many reasons to plant a tree,
Maybe he likes trees, maybe he wants shadow
Or maybe he knows that one day...
He would need firewood.
Last edited by OldGhost#1439 on Jun 3, 2012, 6:53:45 AM
Ima make a story and its start like this

after i get the beta key ill log into the game and ill play for hours and hours not noticing the loud noise outside more hours have passed and the noise gets louder i go to look out side and i see ..... insert beta key for rest of story
First is for those who like drawing/painting.
Please draw any monster ( http://www.pathofexile.com/monsters/ ) from PoE, but no photoshoped pictures of screenshots!

Does this mean I'm not allowed to paint using photoshop? Only traditional mediums are allowed?
ilalim wrote:
First is for those who like drawing/painting.
Please draw any monster ( http://www.pathofexile.com/monsters/ ) from PoE, but no photoshoped pictures of screenshots!

Does this mean I'm not allowed to paint using photoshop? Only traditional mediums are allowed?

I will edit it.
Of course you can, but you have to paint it from the scratch. Not just copy some picture and edit it.
IGN: Mayon
Never argue with stupid people,
they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Mark Twain
I will not write some piquant story or something. I will be honest like ever :) If i get the key i simply will give it to my younger brother. He's quite impatient, but he has a lot of enthusiasm, and dont stop to talk about this game even without playing it. So that's it :P Have a nice day to all and good luck with keys :)
Here's my entry, not very good I know but oh well:

It's Hillock in his natural shabbytat

Last edited by Ser_Digby#7221 on Jun 3, 2012, 12:33:30 PM
I'll tell you a story:

I'm a 19 year old student, I came from a poor family, which, now that I'm at University, can't sustain me anymore. I pay my own studies doing spare jobs in my little free time and with some money that I saved during the past years. Now, 10$ could be nothing for someone, but will give me food for a week. That's why, despite loving this game, I can't be a supporter. As an additional point, the home page timer seems to not like me very much. I would really appreciate to have this beta-key and be able to join you, guys, into this wonderful game. What I will do if I got one? Unfortunately my answer is quite simple: I will be happy and just play the game. Thanks a lot to you, for sharing these beta-keys! Have a good day :)

Last edited by Knutto#0583 on Jun 3, 2012, 8:43:36 AM

Well, you can actually have some sort of a social life, if you play with your friends :D. Like I am hoping to if I get a key.
Last edited by Wind_Falcon#3830 on Jun 3, 2012, 9:13:37 AM
If I will get this beta key, I will gather water and food enough to survive for a week, then put a message to my door saying that I've been infected with some rare exotic parasite and to stay away from the quarantine zone. I will look for the last time to that "Activate beta account" button and then start playing until my fingers will be consumed.

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