3.22.1 Patch Notes

My game crashed several times in Flooded Mine Map until no portals left. I have had bad performance all the time but now the game crashes seem to be back.

Options: Everything possible on low, fullscreen, low resolution, vulkan, multithreading on, dynamic res on

Amd Ryzen 5 1500x (4 cores, 8 threads)
Geforce GTX 1060 6gb
16 gb DDR 4
Last edited by Strickl3r#3809 on Sep 7, 2023, 5:45:18 AM
POPTOP wrote:
Added a bug report: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3408867
but ill add it here too just in case.

Laptop with:
- Intel core i7 6700HQ 2.60GHz
- RAM 16GB Dual-channel DDR4 1064MHz
- 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M, (also has Intel HD Graphics 530, this is not used for poe)
- 500GB SSD
- Windows 10 Home 64-bit

I have tried all recommended solutions:
- Pack check
- Updating windows
- Updating GPU drivers using GeForce Experience
- Full fresh reinstall of the game
- Deleting config file.
- Checked Im within minimum requirements, which i am. Heck GPU is better than minimum when compared to requirements from https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3072628
- GPU comparison: https://technical.city/en/video/GeForce-GTX-650-Ti-vs-GeForce-GTX-960M
- Tested various combinations of graphical settings:
____- Everything on low
____- Dx11, Vulkan, Dx12(this gives the best performance, but has occasional spikes to 100% GPU out of nowhere, so something is making it Unstable)
____- Capped fore and back ground fps to 30
____- Windowed mode with 1280x720
____- and more, and etc, and fiddling continues endlessly

Problem Description:
Prior to the first of the series of patches leading up to 3.21.2b, I had managed to fiddle the game settings low enough to where by gpu was running at a stable 34% usage on the GPU, with the expected spikes during combat.

After patch, the GPU usage is unstable, and significantly increased. Average usage is 50% on the GPU, with spikes going to 95% when using a single skill in the wrong spot in hideout. (See Test Below)

Additionally the CPU spikes to 80-100% when loading areas, which ill asume is a different problem all together. Switching to dx11/vulkan/dx12 has some effect on this loading

POE Particle/lighting Performance Test:

Conclusion: Game is in an unplayable state on a machine that is above minimum requirements, with a build that speficially is optimised for low end, and while using lower resolution than recommended for minimum specs. This is due to the exessive strain put on the GPU.

The Poe2 lighting/particle effects appear to be the main culprite, as the more of any effect on screen is displayed the exponentially worse the GPU's performance becomes as seen in test above.

This issue cannot be resolved from the player side.

Came back to poe after quitting the game in 2020, about 1 week before this shitshow, fiddled the pc to work, got back into buildplanning, and made it to level 7 the sunday before the first patch. FeelsBadMan.

Ill asume heist league was the first time poe2 particle shitstem was introduced, as the current problem is pretty much the same issue that made me quit back in 2020. Had a good 3 weeks of fun back then on self cast desecrate+ detonate dead before heist league, and then after the desecrate effect got changed, the skill became unusage due to its new terrible performance(which seems to never have been fixed btw).

I optimistically wish you the best of luck fixing this, which you will surely need, given Exilecon showed the poe backend being a hardcoded spaghetti ball, and Visual effects guy from day 2 (https://youtu.be/XE3MAFGDzWw?t=3633) explaining how the more cascades he does the cheaper they get, which sounds cool and is probably true, but when put to practise clearlymakes the GPU shit the bed.

Lastly, coming back made me consider getting some of the new specialised stashtabs... but why bother when the game doesnt work.

The issues detailed in my previous post remains unresolved in:
- patch 3.21.2
- patch 3.22.0 hotfix 4.
- patch 3.22.0b
- patch 3.22.1
and after the 150MB patch the game is eating RAM until crash or pc shutdown...
Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area.

No way.

This is the best thing in the patch by a country mile, and should've been in the game a long time ago. The wait time loading into town was agonizingly slow if there were tons of players with MTX, and I thought to myself every single time there should be an option to disable them. Finally something's been done about it.
I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words.
please, please, please make the chieftain killable, or follow you properly or only attack. It took me 14 minutes!!! to destroy the stupid last 4 totem because the boss was widescreening my whole team. I can't even get close, i cant lure him, i can't stun, i can't knockback, i can't freeze, i can't kill him. There's nothing you can do but wait in the corner.

That's BORING!
What about that: the titanic shell escort the boss, the titanic shell protect 10 totems!!!!!!!!!!! The boss and the other escorts and the defense protect the shell!!! On top of that, the shell respawn after only 4 seconds!!!! I killed it twice and it respawned immediately. You guys made it worse. How is it possible?
These words are falling on deaf ears guys. One of their tested had fun I guess, so our points are irrelevant.
I am the world's best path of exile player, I strong I kill all monster with amazing power
Rogue Harbour still takes forever to load. I'm sure there are still plenty more issues, but I've been gone a week and not much change in terms of loading so far for me. Lots more work for GGG to do. Keep working... one day you'll get it back to how it was before 3.22 *fingers crossed*
Please add a way to select the difficulty rank that you have unlocked for tota. Difficulty should be something you opt into and not forced. I don't want to throw silver coins away or roll a new character just to reset rank.
pls remove 1shot

and add to core it https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3420064
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Sep 11, 2023, 5:34:48 PM

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