PETITION add core: WEAP PASSIVE TREE, TATTOO, OMENS next leagu! BUT w/o 2 much grind/time consume

Crucible was OK but I want Ancestors to go core. It's all I want to do is play with them. I haven't been neglecting regular game this much since Heist.
Toforto wrote:
ATIX89 wrote:

Literally people with all the defences in the world are getting oneshot exactly the same way as people with 0 defences. I'm playing on a 300k max hit build with 80% all res 80% chaos res Divine Flesh legion jewel keystone,100% suppression,a bunch of armor and es, 4600 life character and at 700-800 ranking already every white mob and storm conduits oneshot me from off-screen, and most melee bosses also oneshot with any attack now. The infinite scaling is insanely broken that's why some people just run around with CI characters that literally have 1 hp, because it all oneshots you anyways.
I will not discuss in details of mechanic because I run out from there almost before I get there. So I think you have more experience but I think it is as all other parts of the game more or less. And I wrote a bit to provoke. But I think all serious (if there are any) "complains". And further more the ones that point of something negative and then has some constructive ideas that they have been thinking and questioned. That they are just seems like boring complains that has no substance and in the most cases not even based on facts. (They are just mixed unseenable with that at least 95 percent I spoke of.)

And if it is like you say (pretend) it still i my opinion not a big problem. Because I don't think it is not doable at all if another one plays you character. And just because that character when played by you can do the most of the other things in the game - you want! That doesn't mean it need to be able to do new content. Then they had to _only_ introduce new content that can be done by every character from everyone that play in that kind of style.

I'm fine with it, I can't do everything in this game. And I would be killed easy if I am doing a "wrong map" but it is my choice as yours to try Tota out. Why should you manage it with your character in that mechanic if I can't kill everything with my character? I don't see any good arguments while thinking of it.

And truly, I don't think all who's blasting it through that mechanic is playing only one very similar build to each other. It would surprise me if the devs ever introduce something like that.

(Personally I am trying out a new character right now and I know it is a bit fragile and I havn't started to use skills I have in mind - not decided (and also need to get through a lot of them) all of yet either. But I didn't think I would have to flee back to town against act boss 2. Just to change some flasks (never use them normally - at least not more advanced than one main health and then one extra health and a mana). I checked a few other things too.

I have found a few things I will start to build around, but need higher level so I have not upgraded as normal. But I have been forced to put a lot of (it is for me) currency to get the right colors not to put a lot of hours in right now when changing soon.

So I understand that feeling "it should'n be that hard"! But some of my characters I've made I could have played blindfolded and survived with. Almost at least and I am not one of the best players.
Last edited by ATIX89#4394 on Sep 23, 2023, 12:22:35 AM
I'm playing more this league than any apart from Sanctum and Ritual i think and its because of tattoos, I really hope they stay in a way where they aren't offensive to get a hold of its amazing how much the ability to apply minor tweaks to the passive tree enhances the game for me.

It is power creep though, that being said I don't think it'd matter if you cut out the honoured tattoos and just kept the light ones. You can't really keep the +1 proj its just unbelievable power creep
Toforto wrote:

Literally people with all the defences in the world are getting oneshot exactly the same way as people with 0 defences. I'm playing on a 300k max hit build with 80% all res 80% chaos res Divine Flesh legion jewel keystone,100% suppression,a bunch of armor and es, 4600 life character and at 700-800 ranking already every white mob and storm conduits oneshot me from off-screen, and most melee bosses also oneshot with any attack now. The infinite scaling is insanely broken that's why some people just run around with CI characters that literally have 1 hp, because it all oneshots you anyways.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe u in this one.

I'm running a 70k EHP, 23k Max Phys Hit char at rank ~1000 just fine. I can tank 90% of all white mobs without getting oneshot. Exceptions are Storm Conduits and some melee guy from Kaom (the Molten Shell dude). Sure the occasional one shots are annoying, but u learn to play around it. U're not supposed to tank those mobs anyway.

The only thing I hope they change with Tota, if it goes core, is that u can stop progressing in ranks. Eventually u will get to a rank where u will get decimated and by that time u're unable to do any more tota with that char unless u get some significant upgrades. That stings a bit imo.
Sadaukar wrote:
Toforto wrote:

Literally people with all the defences in the world are getting oneshot exactly the same way as people with 0 defences. I'm playing on a 300k max hit build with 80% all res 80% chaos res Divine Flesh legion jewel keystone,100% suppression,a bunch of armor and es, 4600 life character and at 700-800 ranking already every white mob and storm conduits oneshot me from off-screen, and most melee bosses also oneshot with any attack now. The infinite scaling is insanely broken that's why some people just run around with CI characters that literally have 1 hp, because it all oneshots you anyways.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe u in this one.

I'm running a 70k EHP, 23k Max Phys Hit char at rank ~1000 just fine. I can tank 90% of all white mobs without getting oneshot. Exceptions are Storm Conduits and some melee guy from Kaom (the Molten Shell dude). Sure the occasional one shots are annoying, but u learn to play around it. U're not supposed to tank those mobs anyway.

The only thing I hope they change with Tota, if it goes core, is that u can stop progressing in ranks. Eventually u will get to a rank where u will get decimated and by that time u're unable to do any more tota with that char unless u get some significant upgrades. That stings a bit imo.

I mean, my profile is public. You can look at my lvl95 guy I used for ToTA with the 6-link void sphere. Got to 600 ranking didn't get any good rewards and got bored and stopped lol, now I'm running Sanctum all day till lvl100 and printing divines with good relics.
Draegnarrr wrote:
I'm playing more this league than any apart from Sanctum and Ritual i think and its because of tattoos, I really hope they stay in a way where they aren't offensive to get a hold of its amazing how much the ability to apply minor tweaks to the passive tree enhances the game for me.


tatoos + omens RLY fun and COOL! omens super useful and mega NEEDED and tattoo ULTRA NEEDED and fun

also weap passiv tree rly adds alot custom and add new life to alot builds + old uniqs

hope to see all those to core game in next leag
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Absolutely support Tattos and Crucible weapon trees are just a dream for unique builds. GGG make those core please.
ATIX89 wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
Wladicorist1 wrote:
mechanic and tattoos can go core imo
but its balance should be reconsidered

ye 100% agree
sadly GGG think 1shot = fun... its not fun and never was fun
The true story is that you like to build fragile and weak characters that like being one shotted because of you like doing a lot och damage.

You can do the exact opposite and then you can write, "sadly ggg think its fun having fights lasting ten hours but at least I am immortal".

It is up to you. Probably you blame the game and say its unbalanced. No, you make the balance the way you want!

Or do you think as this instead, "Kitava boss act 5 has 250K hp, thats unfair because I don't have more than 2K hp". Because that is "unbalanced af". But fortunately it is not like how we do and balance is just a word people can't use correct!

do you never alc a single map?

Look at my sig... if the best player in the game in HC with ALL the fucking defenses says it... then who are you to contradict him?

People have been making this shit up for the entire history of this forum... like seriously how are there POE players who think all the one shotty bs is actually balanced?

Anyone remember when Nugi said "you got to build defense" and then moments later fell over instantly? lol

not for the first time: my theory is there are players who always assume they messed up when they die instantly (Pareidolia do be like that) and they don't actually understand that it's POE's trash TTL design thats actually at fault.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Oct 3, 2023, 8:00:58 PM
crucible was a horrible power creep combined with a stupid gamba mechanic that needed you to trade all the time. Sorry but no. Annoying and boring.

tattoos are a better concept but still insanely strong - maybe if the good ones are like 10div rare etc...
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Crucible IMO can stay dead.

I do genuinely hope TOTA goes core. It's fun, albeit frustrating at times due to the one shots however completely doable. It's learning to kite, learning where to place your people, and when to take totems. There are definitely some bull moments in there, I 100% agree with that but I am sitting at rank 2k and have been for quite some time not having a cheese build. I play it every day and enjoy it otherwise.

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