Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

Got to love how quickly the mods are deleting negative posts.
For every enemy a Tormented Spirit touches, it increases the damage the spirit takes by 5%.
Their AI has also changed quite considerably. Spirits now more aggressively touch monsters that aren't already touched, and more aggressively possess Rare or Unique monsters.
Stats that add Tormented Spirits to an area are now all consistently described as "haunted by" instead of sometimes being "contains".

Shittier Sentinel
On a more serious note. Not knowing what they'll add to the game, i approve of less changes and new league with an interesting mechanic, people can play what they want and liked so far, and can try stuff they didn't try last league instead, Perchance.
Does anyone actually play LINK skills?
~ There are spectacular moments.
Damn, that has to be the worst notes in a long time.

It's bad when I didn't even finish one beer looking over them.
DoubleU wrote:
Does anyone actually play LINK skills?

Apparently the Dev's love them!
but no, no one else plays link skills.
mrrick1781 wrote:
Damn, that has to be the worst notes in a long time.

It's bad when I didn't even finish one beer looking over them.

We need more to forget that bs.
Why am I still here
> The Magmatic Strikes Notable Passive Skill no longer provides "Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage." Instead, it now provides "Every 10 seconds, gain 30% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage for 4 seconds."

Please stop with this "Every X seconds gain Y for Z seconds"

It is stupid design, when i am melee and i go for a fight, i want predictible damage, not RNG damage every fking X for Y seconds

Stupid node, that is why i don't play Chieftain/Elementalist Hit based, they both are designed around that and they both suck as a result
So these are the patch notes for ruthless? (20 people)
out of touch, cya on launch!

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