Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors


RIP Vengeant Cascade
RIP 5 Ways
Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Sacrifice: Supports spell skills that deal damage with hits and have no reservation. These spells sacrifice a percentage of your current life, to gain additional chaos damage based on how much life was sacrificed. Cannot support orb skills, brand skills, channelling skills, Vaal skills or skills used by traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.

this was the one support that could make void sphere okish as a main skill and you guys drop this. why do you hate void sphere so much....

so far there are only 7 orb spells and for the most part they have 0% usage as main skill with the high point being 0.2% usage so whats the big reason to ban orb skills from using this support?

self found league fan

If its not obvious by now to those who do nothing but taste boots. PoE 2 is ruthless, PoE 1 is becoming ruthless still and obviously they focus FAR more on ruthless than the main game modes. Even though PoE and PoE 2 are going to be two separate games its a safe bet they wont lean into the fun that PoE used to be, even slightly.
"Added a new Atlas Keystone Passive Skill, Overloaded Circuits, which grants "League Map Crafting Options also choose 3 random Notable Atlas Passive Skills associated with that League to treat as allocated" and "100% more cost of Map Crafting Options"."

Already allocated passive is not allocated as an effect of this Keystone?
HDTanel wrote:
Far Shot: No longer provides Far Shot

Oooukey then
Can atleast finish it shitty patch notes or not.

Far Shot: No longer provides Far Shot in Ruthless. It now provides "Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up to 20% more Damage to targets."
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
-Exploit Early - Exploit Often-
-Moderators are absurd and OP-
-Heist Enjoyer-
I am jazzed to play 3.22 for the new mechanic and lore!
Last edited by CyberYeti on Aug 10, 2023, 8:29:36 PM
I was actually hoping and wanted only one thing. BALANCE.CHANGES.
I don't even want a new league, or new gems, or new uniques, or new cards. ONLY! Balance changes. 2 years. What are you wanting from us? I tired of playing meta builds, please! Help!
God forbid you actually make any meaningful changes to the meta or to skill balance in general. Its hilarious that people still simp for these devs while knowing that they have more love for their supposed "side project" over the main game.

They are so stubborn in their ways they would rather destroy powerful options players have to tinker with than give them new ones.

Oh boy I sure do enjoy timed conditional boosts to damage that only last for 4 seconds then takes another 10 just to come back. Because surely builds lacking in damage can benefit from a slight increase in damage for less than half the time they are dealing it. Oh you want more defenses? Just stand still kiddo, pay no mind to the fact that standing still in this game is guaranteed death with all the endless aoe, dot, and other barrages of mob damage being thrown at you.

but pay no mind here just another TOXIC poe player complaining about the state of the game, because clearly any valid criticism against GGG is just hate and malice right?
oh nvm its just another ruthless patch notes
cant believe bex died for this after 84 years of Crucible league

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