PoE 2 Feedback : 2 big issues

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jsuslak313 wrote:
That isn't true about bone armor being only usable with minions...its a simple guard skill that provides flat protection and bleed immmunity. It has no connection to the minions, only that it ALSO benefits them.

Also, Bone Armor has NOT been around "forever". It was introduced in 3.8 which was only 4 years ago. And yes there were calls even then for "no skills in ascendancies". But it is innocuous because no one is ever going to play necromancer just to gain access to "Bone Armor". However, people DO play Chieftain for the sole purpose of gaining access to Tawhoa's Chosen.

The gray area comes with: is it truly a SKILL or is it simply a buff mechanic unique to the ascendancy? The latter I am okay with, it is basically the reason we have ascendancies in the first place. But if it is a unique usable GOOD skill that no other class has access to...THAT is going to be a problem.


I stopped playing witch completely when they added bone armor.

Its so terrible i went and made a GUARDIAN necromancer that was way better.

Now they did the same thing to Guardian, Meh!
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Aug 7, 2023, 3:45:46 PM

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