PoE 1 PC servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

ExileCon 2023 Recap

gym goer photo goes hard
The whole event was out of this world and you guys did amazing!

Ps. oh heck, I just spotted myself in one of the pictures! :'D
My fanworks thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2868617
My hideout showcase thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3077898

AI "art" isn't art, it's theft.
Riverwind77 wrote:
Separating PoE and PoE2 is one of the greediest moves i've ever seen in a company, you had your huge update planned and it was going to bring PoE back to life, finally getting rid of most of the useless core content we have now which reduces the poor optimization the game already has and lags heavily.

But you decided to LIE again to your community and now you will have 2 different games, just to keep milking those whales, one with poor nerfed content and one slow AF.

You had the chance to take the throne back when Diablo IV messed up in the last patch but you keep digging ur own grave spitting in your community. Even Diablo IV at its current state is still better, IMAGINE how bad the situation must be at GGG.

Lies and smoke everywhere untill closed beta in mid 2024, Diablo IV still has room for improvement.

Post cant get censored.

How can they milk people twice if microtransactions, including stash tabs, you are buying/have bought are shared between the 2 games?
If only the game was as fun.
Happy fuzzy feelings 🤗
It was nice to watch every bit of Exilecon from home i just hope we get more pictures of ambient. It was beautiful!!! But camera angles did not let it shine, just look at Queen Atziri statue!
Your anoucment of poe2 was awesome. Lot´s of cool stuff. I love your work and passion. Thx for the nice livestream!!!!
Just hope PoE 2 release and league starts for console will be same days and times as PC. Waiting and seeing pc play takes away the excitement built up.
Last edited by Kaotic-Ouch#9400 on Aug 2, 2023, 8:03:17 PM
fadekill wrote:
Riverwind77 wrote:
Separating PoE and PoE2 is one of the greediest moves i've ever seen in a company, you had your huge update planned and it was going to bring PoE back to life, finally getting rid of most of the useless core content we have now which reduces the poor optimization the game already has and lags heavily.

But you decided to LIE again to your community and now you will have 2 different games, just to keep milking those whales, one with poor nerfed content and one slow AF.

You had the chance to take the throne back when Diablo IV messed up in the last patch but you keep digging ur own grave spitting in your community. Even Diablo IV at its current state is still better, IMAGINE how bad the situation must be at GGG.

Lies and smoke everywhere untill closed beta in mid 2024, Diablo IV still has room for improvement.

Post cant get censored.

How can they milk people twice if microtransactions, including stash tabs, you are buying/have bought are shared between the 2 games?

Dude, you surely know nothing about game development so you most likely think that they can just adjust few numbers, implement new graphics and that will be it = PoE fixed. It doesn't work like that, there's surely pile of legacy code which is a huge blocker + current speedy gameplay not allowing to implement better animations/graphics etc. Fresh start, new interesting storyline, new ideas they wouldn't be able to add to PoE1 that's what makes them believe that splitting the games is a good choice and I believe in that too. I just hope they will continue to add interesting content to PoE1 as I also like to run like a brain dead oneshoting everything around when I'm coming back tired from work, leaving the brain use for crafts and tweaking my character:)

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