People who have nothing to do with PoE actively argue against PoE1

charley222 wrote:
i read the topic and after look the account creation :) of op 2018

i think op forgot how the game play on release around 2013 and how the game play today a bit out of control , these player welcome poe 2

I joined in 2013 just like you it seems, But I DO NOT WANT THIS.

We were told there would be a Unified Endgame and i see constantly people who aren't even playing the game desperately trying to drive the development in this exact direction.

im so tired of it, whats the point in supporting GGG if they're completely oblivious as to why the're being supported.
Innocence forgives you
Kaukus1 wrote:

Pay attention when you discuss with such people. Most of them actively badmouth POE1 but don't know what they are talking about.

Its a little bit late , but welcome to the age of Internet.
Drunk_Master wrote:
Kaukus1 wrote:

Pay attention when you discuss with such people. Most of them actively badmouth POE1 but don't know what they are talking about.

Its a little bit late , but welcome to the age of Internet.

Yup, just this.

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