One endgame mapping+One endgame boss kill showcases will clear all the questions about POE 2 for me

As title, is anyone second? please GGG.

Edit: why did I ask for this so early? nowadays, players have to vocal ahead before everything is too late. There is one year before even beta, yes. But to me, the ARPG design philosophy shown by Jonathan seems to differ from Chris Wilson's. The Sooner the developers share their endgame thoughts, the sooner players share their feedback, and the sooner they can make some direction changes. After all, "fun fights" will fade after seasons and seasons' characters replay and the endgame is all that matters.
Last edited by OceanOnece on Jul 30, 2023, 11:48:40 AM
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2023, 12:12:29 PM
You're presuming they have endgame for PoE2 nailed down enough to demonstrate/show off. I do not know if I would presume this.
I don't think they're even sure what the end game will look like atm. This project seem to have taken waaaay more time then what they anticipated.
Last edited by la_blue_girl on Jul 29, 2023, 11:29:34 AM
Yeah, while I don't dislike the acts in PoE 1, PoE has always been about the endgame for me. So the dealbreaker(s) for PoE 2 will of course be how the gameplay loop is, how a well-rounded, well-geared character looks in the endgame and how boss fights are created.

It's impossible for me to be really excited before they show me that the things I'll spend most of my time on, are good.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Giving that the beta has just 3 acts I would assume that they haven't even touched the endgame yet and mostly focused on the 3 acts, animations and small stuff to have something to show off for the exilecon. Or they don't even know what sort of endgame stuff they want to have or build around with. But I guess that happens when you suddenly decide to create an entire new game over what was promised during the 2019 exilecon, almost like neither of the two cons had a actual real purpose for the game other than some irl fun for everyone in NZ.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 29, 2023, 12:03:37 PM
I dont think that it would help. Given the differences of the demo compared to older information there was already some change going on. This will likely go on heavily till the beta happens. It would also be hard to satisfy ppl. everyone would like to know how their prefered playstyle would come out and thats hard to cover.
What we really need to know for is endgame are what the mod tiers look like since poe2 is separate it may not have most of the crafts we use to get usable suffix/prefix.

I dunno, crafting sucks now, but legacy crafting was/is ass.

Imagine trying to roll a t1 t1 phys weapon with attack speed with just scours, regals, and chaos. Probably like 20000 attempts to get it.

Poe2 looks pretty doa for me, just not hyped for it. I don't see the improvements I think poe needs to be a fun time. Poe1 has to much busy work and economy crap, poe2 looks average, maybe a little less than average.

Just a feeling.

Like they have good ideas, but really bad execution. So many little qol stuff that needs to be fixed but isn't.
Last edited by roundishcap on Jul 29, 2023, 2:02:13 PM
1453R wrote:
You're presuming they have an endgame for PoE2 nailed down enough to demonstrate/show off. I do not know if I would presume this.

Yea but nowadays, players have to vocal ahead before everything is too late. There is one year before even beta, yes. But to me, the ARPG design philosophy shown by Jonathan seems to differ from Chris Wilson's. The Sooner the developers share their endgame thoughts, the sooner players share their feedbacks, and the sooner they can make some direction changes. After all, "fun fights" will fade after seasons and seasons' characters replay and the endgame is all that matters.
Last edited by OceanOnece on Jul 30, 2023, 11:39:57 AM
Yeah I really doubt they have the game there yet OP as its a bit of a pyramid for how you build it - now I certainly understand that its disingenuous to say hey this is cool while the biggest piece is missing but keep in mind its f2p.

Unlike other titles that have this problem and a high price attached it won't cost you anything to find out of the endgame is actually good or not which is usually the problem.

Also you can't really make a great game via public committee it takes too long to implement major changes, where players help is iterating on whats there to sharpen it up which should still be possible when we get to test what they've made.

Keep in mind though that an overwhelming majority of developers won't make any real changes at that stage, some indie devs can and do but its extremely rare for an entity of any size to make any "real" changes once the public marketing (modern beta) begins. I realise this is the equivalent of saying you can't help them shape it early and they won't let you shape it late but..... that's how it works :p
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jul 30, 2023, 11:47:55 AM
POE2 will have its own endgame. As Chris said in the main presentation.

Until Chris or GGG says its mapping I will take it that it's not mapping. It will be something different.

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