PoE2 omg, seeya Blizzard...

All these post containing unrestricted PoE/ PoE 2/ GGG praise that gets contrasted by Diablo 4/ Blizzard supposed failure are cringe and show a huge Diablo complex, hovering over this game and playerbase probably since forever. Please stop.

D4 bad.
anti4z500 wrote:
All these post containing unrestricted PoE/ PoE 2/ GGG praise that gets contrasted by Diablo 4/ Blizzard supposed failure are cringe and show a huge Diablo complex, hovering over this game and playerbase probably since forever. Please stop.

too see how legendary game like diablo 1 and 2 become trash its amazing and sad.
and if you rly like blizz after all it done. well i guess its good to have no standards

Where did I say I like Blizzard? I just said these posts are cringe.

Also I never "liked" Blizzard, including the time when half the PC players did. I have Diablo 1/2 nostalgia like many people, but never enjoyed a single other game from them, and never played friends with them, even disliked them before it was cool and considered a simplistic games devs. I also don't really play friends with GGG now, sure respect and congratulations guys it's a great game you made there but that's it.

Btw I actually have an art pack signed by GGG and quite happy with it, and I still consider all these posts cringe, how about that.

As for Diablo 4, I don't care for it that much, I like it as a casual action game, not really an rpg because of the scaling, have yet to reach endgame or even high world tier so idk. So far hardcore T2 barbarian is a blast, kicking idiots into flight and bashing heads in, and the actual combat 100x more engaging than PoE. Thank you for enlightening me though, if I knew it was trash I would never start.

It's funny btw because people say D4 is shallow and PoE oh so deep, but that's only if you consider stuff outside the actual gameplay to be depth, because actual moment to moment, it's hard to find more shallow than PoE. And I love PoE, just not for that convoluted, overblown system that people call depth but I'd rather call ancient. Have you seen the calculation for evasion, stuff that the player is supposed to interact with? I laughed for 3 minutes, imagine that in the board game instruction. I was a designer for a few and I'd be laughed out of the meeting.

Scarletsword wrote:
All these post containing unrestricted PoE/ PoE 2/ GGG praise that gets contrasted by Diablo 4/ Blizzard supposed failure are cringe and show a huge Diablo complex, hovering over this game and playerbase probably since forever. Please stop.

D4 bad.

PoE 2 already good, take a bow.

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