whats the idea behind new guardian

what i am missing here?

time of need nerfed into oblivion

radiant faith small buff for mana/ES stacker but nowhere near as good as armor for life reserved

unwavering faith busted for forbidden jewels not so much for guardian, may be for some ES stacker

harmony of purpouse: weird link skill

radiant and unwavering crusade: they both summon a minion we have no idea what they do.

self found league fan


Last edited by caboom on Jul 29, 2023, 12:58:58 AM
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2023, 2:03:48 AM
Unwavering Faith will be broken when you take it via Forbidden Jewel combo as inquis lol. I'm shocked that they think letting aura stacking scale another vector of either offense or defense won't be busted.
3.21 I made a strength stacking flicker guardian using the charge generation node. I think I'm the only person that's ever taken the node :p

But yeah, it's gone too...

About a third of my characters have been guardians, but I can't see any reason to play it now (personally).

Use as an aurabot / minion build is very different:
- No offensive benefits (onslaught attack speed)
- reservation benefit changes (the es was never much use to the party but the armor used to be massive along with the determination with aura effect).
- Recovery sounds OP but might be better from inquisitor anyway (gives some benefit to maxing clarity and vitality now rather than having them at level 1, but then the aura costs need to be paid and weighed up against having more auras)
- The block node is probably better, if you aren't afk, but keeping up both an attack and a spell as an aurabot... with all the socket pressure from auras, I usually only have one socket for an active so that goes to a movement skill.
Last edited by whyBish on Jul 29, 2023, 2:32:38 AM
We really need to know what the minions do.
Rothulean wrote:
We really need to know what the minions do.

Unless sentinel of radiance is a minion that has an extraordinary aura buff, guardian has lost his minion ascendancy. Moreover "unwavering crusade" is on kill, so in uber bosses is useless (these bosses are a pain with minions). I fear I have to move to necromancer again sadly or sentinel of radiance might open a good scion setup for minions hopefully
Last edited by Umbryl on Jul 29, 2023, 4:00:28 AM
Harmony of Purpose whilst on the surface looks cool, it would me in practice almost totally useless with the current state of link skills...
I randomly link with someone or a minion (remember it cannot be TARGETED) and minions/players between me and them get some buffs so long as they stand perfectly within that chain?

I have to assume that this MUST be hand in hand with a change in link skills allowing us to target a specific minion/player with whom to link?

Also, why always with the "Skill Effect Duration" for links? As an intuitive link player since its inception duration seems the most useless component of the skill, especially with the notable that restarts ES recharge on refreshing links.
Without the ability to target the desired linkee I need to recast the ability far too frequently for duration to matter?

Nice to see link skills are in the peripheral vision at least.
radiant faith has a nice sinergy with memory vault.

10k mana reserved = 2500 flat armor and 1000 flat ES from radiant faith and 200% increased armor from memory vault.

nice sinergy but not sure i would call it great with memory vault also giving 20% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills.

unwavering faith will be broken and likely nerfed into oblivion once forbiden jewels start appearing. also aura stackers dont usualy stack mana so unwavering faith and radiant faith have terrible sinergy.

Better replace that skill with something that works with mana stackers. may be even consider going the oposite way and make guardians all about few strong auras say:

"gain 1% increased aura effect for every 70 mana reserved divided the number of active auras on the player"

self found league fan


Last edited by caboom on Jul 29, 2023, 8:15:58 AM
Glad to see the armour reservation move off life. Time of Need's curse mitigation is weaker I guess but I like this way better - the permanent effectiveness reduction didn't fit the node's theme. They've turned the charge node I only ever picked once into another node I'd never pick so that's no great loss. Seems fine overall, depending on the minions. Unique minions are at least more interesting than the damage/speed boosts that were there before.
Glad to see the armour reservation move off life. Time of Need's curse mitigation is weaker I guess but I like this way better - the permanent effectiveness reduction didn't fit the node's theme. They've turned the charge node I only ever picked once into another node I'd never pick so that's no great loss. Seems fine overall, depending on the minions. Unique minions are at least more interesting than the damage/speed boosts that were there before.

radiant faith + divine shield + memory vault could end being a decent combo but nothing great

elemental relic is probably a holy relic doing elemental damage, i mean you can see in the picture is just another holy relic.

self found league fan


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