wegeling wrote:
i cant wait! i think the split of poe 1 and 2 is great, i always said poe 1 is such a good game (gameplay wise) but the storytelling was lackluster, with a hard reset going back (1000 years?) we can get a more welltought story.
i hope any dev read this but even some of your devs said they dont wait for the npc to finish telling the story and just move on because they want to play, i do the same but some games give me the option to play the game while the audio of the town npc conversation keeps going, this would be such a nice feature !
i am so hyped and cant wait to play (beta) path of exile 2.
stay sane exiles.
Good for you, you expect new story, ok. But how frequently you want replay stories in general? It is nice to have fresh story, but you don't want to reply it dozens and dozens of times. At least I don't remember a game which I replayed for the story over and over again.
Posted byOblachko_O#5230on Jul 31, 2023, 12:14:51 PM
Posted byAndydbetic#6704on Jul 31, 2023, 4:07:42 PM
General Thoughts:
* PoE2 looks great. I like the idea of designing skills to interact with successful uses of each other, though I do wonder if it's just going to turn back into "hold down my favorite skill" at high levels of attack/cast speed.
* Having a dodge naturally on your character gets rid of the idea of Needing a movement skill, which is nice. I will note that many dodges in PoE1 are awkward because they don't skip terrain, but either some way to auto-skip terrain(Hades Style) or less collision issues would make it not as necessary.
* If you're going to have caster weapons be casting-enhancers, make sure you still have normal weapon types that don't have caster mods. Attack wands for the shooty pews, and caster wands for the magefolk.
* Auto-weapon swap is super hype. It's a wonderful idea, and whoever came up with it should be pleased with themself.
* The flaw with turning generic gems into skill gems is that many builds like using off-class skills. Is there a way to handle that? Or are you limited to the skills of your class?
* PoE2 being its own game always seemed better to me; having it in the same game was sort of a "what if" before realizing the scope. Now that it's much larger, much different in playstyle, separating it is better. Maybe some level of transactions shared between the two?
Also, patch notes for PoE1 when? It's cool if you're still finalizing things, but some idea of what new gems there are would help plan.
All in all, great stuff!
Posted bySuperTaster#6582on Jul 31, 2023, 4:27:37 PM
OMG! Did GGG fix the zoomed in camera view that plagued POE?
This game is going to be FIRE.
I don't care that POE and POE II are going to be separate games.
What makes everything still amazing is that GGG allows us to keep our MTX's in POE II.
GGG is literally the G.O.A.T in regards to loving their community.
I can't wait to play the new Shadow class and Monk class.
Last edited by Reddisyn#4057 on Jul 31, 2023, 7:51:34 PM
Posted byReddisyn#4057on Jul 31, 2023, 7:46:00 PM
Exilecon was fantastic. All the best to the staff and organizers. Shit was fun
Posted bythehitt#1795on Jul 31, 2023, 8:42:13 PM
Posted byChyni#6465on Jul 31, 2023, 10:00:05 PM
So, suddenly - at least, for us -, PoE [Ruthless] 2 will not solve all of PoE 1's problems anymore.
Not to mention, this upcoming PoE 1 league's mechanism seems to be worse than ever.
However hard I want to keep up with these, I am getting completely lost here.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.
Posted byMike_84#0026on Aug 1, 2023, 8:36:04 AM
LOGIN.... watched exile con and played poe ... amazing game amazing news
Posted bylolu#1084on Aug 1, 2023, 11:58:48 AM
Note these are answers to questions or mechanics shown during the convention
SuperTaster wrote:
General Thoughts:
* PoE2 looks great. I like the idea of designing skills to interact with successful uses of each other, though I do wonder if it's just going to turn back into "hold down my favorite skill" at high levels of attack/cast speed.
The damage multipliers for using more than one skill seems far to high for this to be the case (150%+ more damage), but who knows
* Having a dodge naturally on your character gets rid of the idea of Needing a movement skill, which is nice. I will note that many dodges in PoE1 are awkward because they don't skip terrain, but either some way to auto-skip terrain(Hades Style) or less collision issues would make it not as necessary.
The dodge collides with monsters at the moment, they did say there will be ways to change how dodge works on the passive tree however
* If you're going to have caster weapons be casting-enhancers, make sure you still have normal weapon types that don't have caster mods. Attack wands for the shooty pews, and caster wands for the magefolk.
At the moment these skills are being changed to spells that are restricted to wands, this could be bad, but also all the interactions that work with wands as they are currently might be (most likely) completely changed. In the end it might be a wash.
* Auto-weapon swap is super hype. It's a wonderful idea, and whoever came up with it should be pleased with themself.
Agree'ed, not a huge fan of the cooldown between switching though. It's not bad early game, but once your charter is much faster with attack/cast speed it's going to be very noticable
* The flaw with turning generic gems into skill gems is that many builds like using off-class skills. Is there a way to handle that? Or are you limited to the skills of your class?
They aren't locked to a class, they are just organized into classes to make it easier for new players to have a general idea what to go for. You should be able to select any gem you want (level appropriate) from the uncut gem.
* PoE2 being its own game always seemed better to me; having it in the same game was sort of a "what if" before realizing the scope. Now that it's much larger, much different in playstyle, separating it is better. Maybe some level of transactions shared between the two?
All transactions are shared between the games. If you bought stash tabs in PoE1 they will show up in POE2, and the other way around. Same for cosmetics with the exception of skills that don't exist in one game or the other.
Also, patch notes for PoE1 when? It's cool if you're still finalizing things, but some idea of what new gems there are would help plan.
Typically a few days before launch
All in all, great stuff!
Posted byCantspel#1442on Aug 1, 2023, 5:01:50 PM
I am here just to say thank you. It was an amazing event and I hope you guys will visit europe one day. I've been a supporter and will keep supporting this amazing game!
Posted bykorisch1985#6857on Aug 1, 2023, 5:47:26 PM