3.21.2 Patch Notes (restartless)

Good Lord. I'm running at half the FPS and crazy lag post patch. :(
woodsofypres wrote:
Csokis wrote:
After mini patch
on linux still not start

2023/07/24 18:41:57 99917155 3cd2cae7 [INFO Client 512] [VULKAN] Init SwapChain = 2560x1371
2023/07/24 18:41:57 99917164 957f12c3 [CRIT Client 512] [VULKAN] unsupported backbuffer image count

I was able to get it running. I edited the config file to change the renderer to DX12 instead of Vulkan. It still immediately crashes if you try to switch back to Vulkan once in-game, but performance seems ok using DX12 for now.

if you using lutris you can add this in condfig/enviroent variables
and vulcan works, or set up envroment variable.

Strange for me it crash when I try to use dx12.
Vulkan kinda same perfomace befor patch, but crases every hour. Never crased before.
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fuzzywolf wrote:
Using GeforceNow service to play PoE, previously had all settings maxed and perfect performance.

Now I'm stuttering on min settings.

nvidia driver likely reason
lagrino wrote:
Novynn wrote:
lagrino wrote:
My client satrted the update, but can't end it. Showing this error:

"Erro: Failed writing received data to disk/application enquanto baixando https://patch.poecdn.com/"

Any help?
Can you try to close Discord and then run the patcher again?

Wow, thanks! Solved.

The scary question is, why would Discord interfere with the patcher...?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
A lot of Vsync options now, that's good, but still no support for G-Sync or Freesync or Variable Refresh Rate in general ?

I have VRR working fine on all my games, even borderless, except Path of Exile.

I'd hope this would come with PoE2 Engine...
Zankai wrote:
A lot of Vsync options now, that's good, but still no support for G-Sync or Freesync or Variable Refresh Rate in general ?

I have VRR working fine on all my games, even borderless, except Path of Exile.

I'd hope this would come with PoE2 Engine...

What support or option do you want with G-sync?
I use a G-sync monitor and it has always worked fine with POE, and any other game for that matter.
If it is enabled on the monitor, it handles itself?
bängan is bängan.
I tried playing the campaign with ranger

Even when the shader bar is empty the game is stuttering like crazy (literally act 1 coast), I don't know if there are any other areas in game with less density than that.

Previously I would run maps with layers of delirium, blight, breach, legion and all of that stuff and only sometimes I would experience fps drops.

Mirage archer visuals bugs all the time, sometimes it's a copy of ranger floating above my character, sometimes it's a green mist.

A crucible altar just randomly vanishes after I finish it

This was literally a forced "PTR"
Really difficult to digest what this patch did to a previously smoothly running game.

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