I'm fine slowing down in PoE2 but ...
I actually think the speed of the game is one of the major factors that really separates PoE from other ARPGs, for better or worse. And I think they can slow down quite a bit, while still remaining the fastest ARPG.
But when people talk about "slow down", they mean different things. Movement speed? Kill speed? Progression speed? Only movement skills? I don't want them to reduce our movement speed, but I could see several reasons to reduce our killing speed. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" If the combat was fluid and visceral, then by all means it can be slowed down and from what was shown in the Aggorat trailer that seems to be the direction they are going, and it looked amazing. |
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" its a "you think you want it but you really don't" thing. All of game design has to contend with players not realizing that games are just "fun obstacles you enjoy getting over". If you then play the game in a rush rush gotta go fast "games done quick" way then youve just ignored almost all the content... AKA all the fun obstacls. Usually because "the meta" has told you you're SUJPPOSED TO IGNORE THE JOURNEY and labels anything thats not "endgame" as the undesirable part of the game you're supposed to want to skip. Many players don't realize that removing the obstacles (such as putting in cheat codes, or by playing the meta game instead of the game) can make the game insanely rewarding but then then immediately boring as fuck. I feel like the average "clear speed meta" player has a 3 day to 1 week new league "shelf life". and a few total months of engagement before they are bored and angry at GGG for not making the game "more fun"... The exceptions are the streamers like CuteDog who have a monied interest and a meta-game they are playing that involves mindless repetition of thee game for their own benefit. Mindless combat = better chat engagement, it allows them to be more entertaining, and this also makes the repetition less dogshit in terms of fun. Meanwhile the average clear speeder, doesn't understand that they blazed past the journey, the filtered out 99.9% of loot (and 99.9% of the game) they "pain champed" through the leveling, because they tell themselves "leveling it the part that sucks" and used a meta game build/guide to trivialize the content because they tell themselves and/or Streamers tell them: "THE ONLY PART THAT MATTERS IS ENDGAME"... When in fact that part ALSO DOESN'T MATTER... the part that matters is the journey of progression... which is why most players quit the league when they have a HH or mageblood, or they have killed Ubers or reached whatever self motivated goal they chose to call "the part that matters". No wonder they're bored so fast, no wonder they are shitting on GGG in the reddit sub nearly constantly they've ruined the game for themselves and they don't even know it. They just feel anger and look to blame someone but themselves... so the reddit and to an extent this forum becomes the pressure valve. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" If your envision of good gameplay is something like this https://youtu.be/PaBcQAm8T0s?t=90 i have to ask you what is good about it? Quality of this gameplay is bottom tier and I think that GGG is aware of that and that they want to change it into something at least not cheap looking as this. |
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" Its really interesting as well that "clear speed meta" players like to talk about their playstyle being "why POE increased in popularity" but then much much slower games like Lost Ark and D4 have shown that 250-300k peak player concurrency on a big patch is actually niche product. Ofc we don';t actually know how much of POE's population is actually clear speed players nor how much of their growth is due to "meta of play" or even DESPITE IT. I play every league and I hate the meta. I go slow and feel the pain every league because I'm playing a game thats been balanced into a state where "clear speed meta" is the only sane way to get more than "1 dopamine per week" or some shit. The games incentives and bounding are really out of wack, It forces me inevitably into faster builds even in Ruthless mode. I want meaningful engaging combat but I also need to not purposefully be hamstringing myself to get some pale semblance of it (current ruthless). The game needs to make "engaging combat" also not be a shitty penalty that makes your dopamine hits once per week instead of a couple times a night. I've been a CuteDog viewer I know what multiple exalts per night looks like... I play "properly" (by Chris' own words) so my game looks like multiple exalts per league (insert Divs now). POE feels terrible when played "properly" Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" Well ... isn't that really player choice fault? At least GGG don't throw away that option to be insanely fast instead limiting the options, the option is there but is not compulsory like what you did there which is good, like GGG always said those kind of build is like a goal to chase for "average" player My YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7SYVrfQWKi0NJiAJJMusg
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" That's the idea, is a goal to chase, not a "Everyone must have" thing which is fine ... but don't nerf it to the point we can't do it anymore like ... even invest so much on our build but our build still SLOW then ... what's the point of playing anymore? What's the power to "fantasize"? What's the point of playing PoE if it has Grim Dawn speed LMAO I know there's certain type of ppl like the speed of Grim Dawn which is the reason I'm not playing that game but if GGG decided to make it slow like Grim Dawn then ... I'm sorry I'm DONE My YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7SYVrfQWKi0NJiAJJMusg Last edited by VironLaw#2874 on Jun 17, 2023, 11:18:32 AM
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" There is big spectrum scale from SLOW to "I can't even see what I'm doing". |
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" Not everyone plays spark nimis 50 cast per second Not everyone plays cwdt freezing pulse, creeping, ice spear, sniper's mark Everyone doesn't have to pay because according to you, "I can't even see what I'm doing" The workaround is there, and if you can't see the screen it's your problem, not the devs. And one thing has nothing to do with the other, not because someone on the other side of the world is skilled better than me, devs should cut off one of his hand to "level up to me" the skills. In the same way, just because there's a possibility of a build that doesn't let me know what I'm doing doesn't mean that everyone else should be cut off from that possibility. Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝 |
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" Brofisted. You hit the nail on the head. Heart of Purity
Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDFO4E5OKSE POE 2 is designed primarily for console. |
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