Until PoE2 comes, this game is toast (at least for me)
Tbf they have been adding QoL features into the game slowly.
One thing I think they should absolutely adopt from D4 is allow players to skip the campaign after doing it once. Even Blizzard with its super polished campaign with fully voice acted, animated cutscenes & high quality cinematics know that it is something that can never be as interesting as endgame. Meanwhile GGG is so stubborn when it comes to this. I love this game, but I'm highly skeptical that they can match or surpass the level of quality Blizzard will bring to the D4 campaign. Just allow us to skip it FFS! |
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" Thats totally true, and I did mention that the new changes to loot in certain mechanics (breachstones), flask enchantments are very good. The problem is that GGG is so slow and so reluctant to change things that countless people complain about and have been complaining about for years. Not all complaints need action, but many of them are almost no-brainers when you compare this game to nearly every other game that's out there. What we need is a MASSIVE QoL kick to get rid of ages-old issues with PoE. They can't continue to limp forward with the smallest of small steps forward. Things that I would love to see (and soon, otherwise I simply don't want to waste my time on PoE anymore) 1) Completely revamped loot system: figure SOMETHING out. Right now loot is utter garbage. Fractured item explosions = sure, they are nice. But even with them, 99.99% of drops deserve to be hidden. This isn't necessarily QoL per se, but it defintely has an effect on clicks and hand cramping and game quality. 2) STOP INTRODUCING NEW CURRENCIES: nearly every single goddamn league there's some new currency that we have to click to pick up. At least automate the league currency mechanic, if nothing else. We already have two full pages of "currency" in our stash, and that isn't counting fragments which also sort of act as currency. I would rather GGG trim the fat and deactivate or rework currencies from the ground up. The last currency item I remember that was deactivated was the Eternal Orb (I don't count nets....). There are plenty of other currencies that deserve the graveyard, and have their functionality moved elsewhere. 3) Crafting/Chancing/Using currency: this is a big one. We know that it can take thousands of orbs to get something worthwhile. We also know that this continues to get worse as more mods/items are added to the pool. Again, figure SOMETHING out because the current system is utter garbage. I would rather overpay someone else for an item, than even attempt to use 1000 alts and go through the steps. My entire experience would flip on its head if there was some QoL change to how we use our currencies. Whenever PoE2 actually does come out, I hope that these things are taken into consideration...but I also have spent 10 years with this company and I know their track record. The game is good but it can be SO MUCH BETTER Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Jun 1, 2023, 9:05:00 AM
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Playing PoE is like smashing your balls repetitively with a hammer. Nothing is going to change with PoE 2. They balance the game based off of streamers, and people who have no lives outside of PoE.
I love and hate this game with a passion. Get rid of some of the bloat completely revamp every single skill gem. 200 gems but at league start only 5-10 are useable Last edited by Jradlot21#0486 on Jun 1, 2023, 1:05:14 PM
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" i just followed the reddit drama following bli$$ards decision to split their playerbase into haves and havenots by allowing those more whealty or addicted folks to start some days earlier. well. at least they're getting the same shits now likes ggg when they tried to prioritise streamers, chances are good we lose all those lovely reddit folks to blizz. shame, really! age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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" This has always been a sticking point with "regular folks" and then paid, sponsored, preferred, early access key provided type benefits from developers. At least in the case of D4 everyone has early access if they wish to pay for it. The same cannot be said for plenty of other games that have streamer priority, and early access keys that they distribute as part of marketing. GGG stumbled on that too with the Streamer only server awhile back, which basically only let a handpicked few participate for time. In the end you can't make everyone happy, but it isn't like they sprung early access on people. It's been this way for a long time marketing wise. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 1, 2023, 3:54:52 PM
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" i really liked the suggestion of someone that everytime someone pays 100$ for priority access, one haveNot will be prevented to enter the game for another week. bli$$ could make so much money out of this separate game of people outbidding each other. well, they would create a toxic user base but how is that bad for marketing? bad publicity is still publicity! bli$$ is a game creator which also games it's community, i think thats a good thing. for other games. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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I am one of those people that "statistically don't care" about the D4 competitive race - by itself. I mean, the controversy around the race is simply something to consider as D4 launches and moves forward. But it baffles me that people are making such dramatic claims about D4 a week before the thing even launches. Also, yall need to get your definitions of "P2W" and "QoL" straight.
Never played a Diablo entry. PoE was my first iso-ARPG proper, and I have been faithfully playing one character every league since Scourge (2.2k hours in two years). I was drawn to PoE because of friends, and was sucked in because of the environment, sound design, and gameplay loop. Now that I am an iso-ARPG fan (thanks to PoE), I am curious about D4. Likely I will sink some hours into the game, seeking the same feeling of wonder and curiosity that PoE instilled in me when I wandered through Lunaris Temple for the first time. If D4 is too simple for my tastes, I will return to PoE. If I like it, I will play more of it. Simple. Shoutout to my very first character that ran around using no movement skills, Multistrike Fortify as the main skill, zero auras, attack still on left click, and a constantly-changing array of random skills and spells that had no relevance to my build. I barely made it to red, then accidentally ran into A8 Sirius...WOW. only then did I realize how far I had to go. But until then - no concept of P2W or QoL. These hours were the most fun and memorable times I've ever had gaming. I got better every league, and I hope D4 can feel that way over time as well. Oh yeah - of course I'm going to play PoE 2. Just another perspective. :) |
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