The main reason I will go to Diablo 4:

Phrazz wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
I don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse or not, but I invite anyone to review Tencent and their...hmmm...activities? Not exactly a shining beacon.

So the Microsoft-Activision/Blizzard acquisition acquits Activision of all wrongdoings? It's all about the owning company, and not the developing company? Anyhow, as far as I know, Tencent has/had quite a few shares in Activision too, so they're in the same boat; just a grinding gear in the Chinese megacorp. Well, at least for a few more days.

I would suggest perhaps, and we have to be careful with politics and the CoC, we consider the scope and magnitude of what we are calling "wrongdoings" on scale when it comes the these large publishers or devs
and their ties to less than desirable elements of a government regime.

So in that context, there are few if any, publishers worse than Tencent on the face of the planet. There are very real, dangerous, human rights implications that far exceed any Bobby K fuck ups, bro culture, or shitty mobile monetization.

Ignorance is bliss indeed.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on May 15, 2023, 6:29:52 PM
Meh, I look forward to Diablo 4 and will certainly play it. However, it's casual focused gameplay, while fun, will only hold my interest so long. They will never have as complex trees or end game. The cinematics and story lore will be awesome, as usual.

I will still primarily play POE, with Last Epoch as the primary backup for the foreseen future. D4, will certainly be fun and I will definitely play it as well. It is just not a game that will continue to hold my attention.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ignorance is bliss indeed.

I don't really think you understood what I was saying.

If you're going to use Tencent as a "negative" talking about GGG/PoE, don't you have to do the same talking about Activision/Diablo? Because Tencent is a "part" of both companies. Sure, they own (owned?) a minor share in Activision and a major share in GGG, but still.

Look, my country's pension fund (the largest in the world, as far as I know), pretty much owns the world (yes, that's an exaggeration) - and even has shares in Activision. Do I go around blaming them for Bobby K's idiocy? Of course not. Do I blame them for Diablo 3 being a disappointment to me? Nah. Should I judge GGG and their work based on who owns them? I don't think I should.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
DarthSki44 wrote:
I would suggest perhaps, and we have to be careful with politics and the CoC, we consider the scope and magnitude of what we are calling "wrongdoings" on scale when it comes the these large publishers or devs
and their ties to less than desirable elements of a government regime.

So in that context, there are few if any, publishers worse than Tencent on the face of the planet. There are very real, dangerous, human rights implications that far exceed any Bobby K fuck ups, bro culture, or shitty mobile monetization.

Ignorance is bliss indeed.
Again... you cant be serious...

The blizzard scandal is more than just "booby fuckup", if it was it would be nothing since this sort of stuff is(sadly) not uncommon, it reached notoriety for 2 reasons:

1- The sheer magnetude, what surfaced are stuff of ties using autority as leverage to enable crimes that very much fall into the "henious" legal definition, as well as the company itself blalantly enabling said behavior. Fuckups of one guy in power with the secretary dont generate those level of scandal

2- The big thing: blizzard was caught trying to destroy and suppress evidence. It very much puts the company in the same level as crooks, as well raises the questions of how deep it really was since if was just "standard" sexual harassment, most companies simply come clean(even if its just for the sake of damage control) what exactly they wanted to hide that justified burning themselves like they did when caught? And ofc, it pretty much seal the guilty veredict
feike wrote:
2- The big thing: blizzard was caught trying to destroy and suppress evidence. It very much puts the company in the same level as crooks, as well raises the questions of how deep it really was since if was just "standard" sexual harassment, most companies simply come clean(even if its just for the sake of damage control) what exactly they wanted to hide that justified burning themselves like they did when caught? And ofc, it pretty much seal the guilty veredict

It clearly doesn't matter, because "GGG is owned by Tencent"...
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
If you're going to use Tencent as a "negative" talking about GGG/PoE, don't you have to do the same talking about Activision/Diablo? Because Tencent is a "part" of both companies. Sure, they own (owned?) a minor share in Activision and a major share in GGG, but still.

Look, my country's pension fund (the largest in the world, as far as I know), pretty much owns the world (yes, that's an exaggeration) - and even has shares in Activision. Do I go around blaming them for Bobby K's idiocy? Of course not. Do I blame them for Diablo 3 being a disappointment to me? Nah. Should I judge GGG and their work based on who owns them? I don't think I should.

You dont even need to go that far...

Even if we discover tenced kidnaps children and sells them for slavery, can you actually hold it as a negative against GGG? Its OBVIOUS you cant because even if GGG DID know of such thing, could they even done anything about it? Call the cops anonimously and thats pretty much it
If we look at the other way around it would be another history because tencet COULD punish GGG, being the bigger fish in the pair, and made clear they dont want to enable the behavior, but pinning the blame on the smaller part when they dont show any conection is pretty much troll logic

The negatives against blizzard are not even on the same level: Blizzard themselves made the moves, it wasnt activison or related companies, heck, if i was a tie at activison, i would be calling the blizzard staff "the fuck? Pull it together, you morons, you are risking damage on US!"
I had written more, but thought better of it. This thread has turned towards pro-Tencent, shoulder-shrugging, lunacy, and quite frankly propaganda. I'm not risking a ban over it, so I will bow out. If people are interested they can research and decide on their own.

I'll gladly go back to some D4 banter in OT over whatever the fuck is happening here now.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Yeah yeah... Blizzard can apparently do nothing wrong and if you think they did something wrong you're a hypocrite
But GGG does something they're the worst company ever and it's bcs tencent influence. we get it.
hoho I like it.
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DarthSki44 wrote:
I had written more, but thought better of it. This thread has turned towards pro-Tencent, shoulder-shrugging, lunacy, and quite frankly propaganda. I'm not risking a ban over it, so I will bow out. If people are interested they can research and decide on their own.

I'll gladly go back to some D4 banter in OT over whatever the fuck is happening here now.

The amount of denial and of caudron calling the keetle is amusing

Guy is seeing people being pro-tencet when literally not a line was written on that direction, everything was just around how it makes no sense to link tencet things to GGG

The guy(obv a guy, no self-respecting woman familiar with the "boob scandal" would shield blizzard) speaks about propaganda, but aparently he failed to read his own posts, really? Treating a scandal that involved cops and ended in a guilty veredict like it was papparazo nonsense

And now, as hes cornered, take his leave in a desperate post claiming to hold the neutral ground and how the evil other side is "mindless shielding" their perfect side, per internet arguing 101, and still oblivious how his offenses applies to himself more than everyone else


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