Diablo 4 announces that there will be a campaign skip ... its time for POE to do the same

DarthSki44 wrote:
R3b00t wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

Edit: 28 days to go thank god

You will still be here posting all day.

Very unlikely. I dont even do that now.

I will probably swing by OT weekly while at work, and respond / chat with some fellow forum goers I've gotten to enjoy over the years. Maybe get In a few dunks on GGG post Exilecon. GD is mostly dead now anyways.

Last edited by Randall#0850 on May 5, 2023, 5:19:08 AM
innervation wrote:
Diablo IV doing something should be irrelevant to whether or not PoE should do something.

Just because a disappointingly-casual game is the one releasing QoL that helps to modernize ARPGs, it shouldn't be ignored. I hate ActiBlizz for a myriad of reasons, including how they turned the Diablo series into a hollow shell of what it used to be after the 2nd game, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate some useful features that would only serve to make PoE better.

Skipping the boring campaign you've run for the nth time historically is one such feature. So is doing away with portal and wisdom scrolls. An auction house, before ActiBlizz got greedy with that RMAH, was also a fantastic idea, but I expect nobody is still ready to have that discussion. And finally, smart loot in a game that showers you in garbage would only make the game better, at least for SSF so players don't have to willingly shoot themselves in the foot for wanting to disassociate with the necessity of trade.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
鬼殺し wrote:

Precedence supports this argument. Neither DS44 nor I posted much at all during the DIV beta weekend. The only way I see either of us spending much time here in the initial release period will be if the servers shit themselves, which despite overtly rigorous stress testing is always...always a possibility.

Otoh there is absolutely nothing stopping a person from pausing a game (or idling in a safe area) to pick up their phone to post here so I see no real point to this jab.

(Case in point: I am also currently playing Elite Dangerous on my ps5 and Titan Quest on my tablet simultaneously. Paused both to post this. ^_^)

Totally accurate. I'm playing Jedi Survivor atm, and continuing my Wartales playthrough. Both great fyi.

Anyone can see my post history, and I don't make my profile private. Folks might not like my takes or opinions, which is the point of a forum in the first place, but its in good faith. I'm not trolling, I'm just cynical at times.

Shit really, I've only made a handful of posts recently, more than half of which were responding to quotes or existing conversations. Hardly spamming territory.

Anyways, I agree there isn't a need to be defensive about it on my end. There isnt a gatekeeper on posting here. If I want to comment I will. If I want to engage in mildly interesting OT threads I will. If Exilecon is a hot mess or the PoE2 beta isn't up to par, I might say something.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
You're not trolling nor cynical. You and your friend who came trying to rescue you are just part of that weird group that don't like the game anymore, but refuse to let go.

The guy even said he can't help posting here even though he's playing 2 games at once. That's just sad.
bauermayers wrote:
You're not trolling nor cynical. You and your friend who came trying to rescue you are just part of that weird group that don't like the game anymore, but refuse to let go.

The guy even said he can't help posting here even though he's playing 2 games at once. That's just sad.

Poe is a live service game with huge changes multiple times a year. Thus when the changes are not something a player likes, it makes perfect sense to not only voice that opinion, but also hang around in hopes of better changes.

You people who's only defense is "leave if you don't like it" are the worst lol
Well, POE has kind of a campaign skip in leagues.

Get to lvl 50 after all the acts, put on crap items that give life and chaos restance and join 5 ways for a few hours until you are 100.

Yes you have to jump through a few hoops for it, but it's almost the same.

Just a total-skip in the future would be nice.
-Time to be funny. The world needs funny right now! Warning: "Might" get you muted.

25 Exalts...oh God my stupidity stuck! Now onto 25 Divines...
MourningBlade wrote:
Well, POE has kind of a campaign skip in leagues.

Get to lvl 50 after all the acts, put on crap items that give life and chaos restance and join 5 ways for a few hours until you are 100.

Yes you have to jump through a few hoops for it, but it's almost the same.

Just a total-skip in the future would be nice.

I believe you might be confused on what 'skip' means.
R3b00t wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

Edit: 28 days to go thank god

You will still be here posting all day.

Boredom or cause they realize that D4 is not the juicy honey they expected to get.
Everything that glitters ain't gold after all ;)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on May 6, 2023, 2:18:07 PM
Bleu42 wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
You're not trolling nor cynical. You and your friend who came trying to rescue you are just part of that weird group that don't like the game anymore, but refuse to let go.

The guy even said he can't help posting here even though he's playing 2 games at once. That's just sad.

Poe is a live service game with huge changes multiple times a year. Thus when the changes are not something a player likes, it makes perfect sense to not only voice that opinion, but also hang around in hopes of better changes.

You people who's only defense is "leave if you don't like it" are the worst lol

this so much

Fanboyism is a cancer in the gaming community. this need to act like the devs are your best friend because you enjoy their game is the absolute worst and needs to die. this is why you get trash games that don't work or in POE ... bad leagues.

because the devs know that you will have the fanboys shouting down any sort of criticism and telling people "oh if you don't like it just leave"
Khallis wrote:
Bleu42 wrote:
bauermayers wrote:
You're not trolling nor cynical. You and your friend who came trying to rescue you are just part of that weird group that don't like the game anymore, but refuse to let go.

The guy even said he can't help posting here even though he's playing 2 games at once. That's just sad.

Poe is a live service game with huge changes multiple times a year. Thus when the changes are not something a player likes, it makes perfect sense to not only voice that opinion, but also hang around in hopes of better changes.

You people who's only defense is "leave if you don't like it" are the worst lol

this so much

Fanboyism is a cancer in the gaming community. this need to act like the devs are your best friend because you enjoy their game is the absolute worst and needs to die. this is why you get trash games that don't work or in POE ... bad leagues.

because the devs know that you will have the fanboys shouting down any sort of criticism and telling people "oh if you don't like it just leave"

I think of it from a different perspective. Devs want to make the game they want to make. We either like it or we dont. Problem is that we dont have a roadmap for the changes, and i dont think they do either.

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