Crucible Fan Art Competition

HatreT wrote:
ADEPT_ wrote:
Does anyone care to qualify why AI art doesn't count? It's still art, you still have to give it prompts or input information just like people using 3D Renderer / Photoshop to layer / use brushes, it's all AI generated.

Something tells me you are trolling, but here goes: Using ai strips the process of creation from some particulary important things and values: effort. commitment. hard work. knowledge of art. and most importantly - yourself. And therefore, due to the lack of those above, it ain't art.

Why is partial AI assistance allowed but regular AI is not?

Is it? I do not see it stated in the rules.

Pretty wack to exclude an entire genre of artists, especially when the point behind art is to create something cool, inspiring, moving.

not. artists.

AI literally won an art contest, a bunch of people talked about the piece of art moved them, which is the point isn't it?

I will probably loose my self if i start on this one. In short - this shows how easy to plaese humans become. And it sickens me.

Way to literally ostracize and demotivate a bunch of us.

good. you are taking the easy way.

Users: Smile
GGG: Someone having fun over here?
Users: *Laugh nervously*
GGG: Annnnd you're banned.

Oh, with that i agree, ggg seems to be really touchy in terms of any kind of dark humour.

The saddest part of all, is you didn't even encourage any of us AI artists to still submit their fan art passion products. You could have still said "It's unfair for X, Y reasons, so they won't be eligible for rewards but we'd still love to see what you all can come up with!"

Literally nothing.

broken thinking. look from the other angle for a moment. From a traditional artists perspective. You'll realise. I hope.

Tencent bought you guys out and the support / community engagement has just gone to shit.

That is just kick in the balls, i tell ya. Aaand as tencent is itself a swelling corporation, it may at some point choose to abuse this ai stuff, and enforce this to ggg (horrifying thought). As a cheap way to do stuff. Cheaper then humans. Didn't blizaard lately announced something in regards to the matter?

Not to mention I don't know if there's another thread cause now I'm just venting, but seriously, you guys are scummy as hell. Like Electronic Arts scummy, making gift paper a purchasable thing? It was bullshit in the first place that you could get a bunch of duplicates and couldn't do anything with them for year and years, but now that you've finally come to your senses and allowed SOME form of MTX sharing, you hide it behind a god damn pay wall? So now if I want to give someone something I'VE ALREADY FKING PAID FOR, I have to pay more? Seriously, I support this game, look at my titles, but THIS type of shit is heinous and your monetization methods are predatory and say alot about where the company is headed.

Shame on you.

and more kicks in the balls there... Especially that ea comparison. Ye, recent experiments with mtx seem to be getting in morally wrong way, i agree. But it still far off for ggg to get to that level of scumminess. And YOU, GGG, you are not planning to go that filthy way, right? Right?

So you were just meme'ing here right? Where you said "Using ai strips the process of creation from some particulary important things and values: effort. commitment. hard work. knowledge of art. and most importantly - yourself."

Because that same rhetoric could be used to describe digital art. Oh, you didn't put in the time to learn how the brush interacts with canvas? How using a heavier stroke = different results than a lighter stroke? You just slide your "strength" adjustment bar and start going? Oh you don't have to painstakingly think about every brush stroke before making it because if you mess up you can just press Fn + Z or Ctrl + Z to undo instead of having to frame up the canvas or try save a painting you've accidentally spilled on?

Give me a break, the EXACT same arguments can be made for any technological advancement in art.

Technological advancements have ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS helped by reducing challenges, increasing productivity and limiting the amount of "dedication" something takes. If you think otherwise, you're being willfully ignorant.

People can create amazing things in programs like Bryce, Maya, Adobe etc, and this can be done without having to learn about vectoring, shadows, or any of the other nonsense you're saying it takes to be a "real" artist.

There are shortcuts for literally EVERYTHING.

Saying one tool is not allowed but others are, when they use the same principles, is absolutely stupid in my eyes, and that's why I expressed my position on it.

Someone, any famous writer, lets say Stephen King, who's well known, and uses words to build an image in the readers imagination, lets say he wants to make a visual novel, if he chose to use his very personal, descriptive, 100% human made sentences, to get a program to create an image of his own making, how is that not art?

So the program didn't have to learn how to draw/paint on canvas, neither have 75% of current artists in our world. Seriously, google it, other than like art majors, everyone learns on a computer, the "art" aspect that you're clinging too, died a long long time ago.

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