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ExileCon 2023 Race Qualifier Events

HDTanel wrote:
A5 race actually sounds nice, quick and fun, even for casuals to try out.

Honestly this format isn't casual friendly. A veteran player who doesn't specifically practice for the event will be clearing the early parts of Act 3 when Tyty or Ben or Imexile are fighting Kitty in Act 5. A rookie player will be at their second bandit at this point.

This is a competition, and that's inherently going to be about finding the best. It's the POE equivalent of a sporting event like the Australian Open in tennis, where before the event starts you could name a dozen people - seeds 1-12 - who are collectively considered around a 90% chance to contain the eventual winner.

The recent krangled passives event was probably one of the most casual-friendly competitive events POE has run because it was so far from the base game experience that the enormous skill edge top players have was reduced in impact. And even there the top 5 runs were all very, very experienced players.

It's still something that can be fun to be a part of, but from a competitive standpoint I know I have no chance in this event.
Le Toucan Will Return
Last edited by sirgog#5608 on Apr 20, 2023, 9:34:20 PM
Excited for Exilecon
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
meanwhile the "league"?

Tggg: league? what league? go to standard already..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Good News, anf thanks GGG for your efforto to bring more person to Exilcon, I hope NZ was close to the center of the world.. :D is 19 hr flight from me :p
i want to subscribe
So... How fast are going to be the winners ?
As I understand the aim is to detect the best races, is there any incentive for casual players to try ?

Anyway, might give it a shot !
Wish to join, but can't stream with 100kb/s speed
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
Nice :D

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Last edited by rrbterry#6592 on Apr 21, 2023, 8:59:22 AM
HDTanel wrote:
A5 race actually sounds nice, quick and fun, even for casuals to try out.
This is basically a streamer event.
yeah but can future employees participate in the race event. I know everyone else wants to know this.

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