Inventory Space Too Cramped!

kevin51287 wrote:
I just want a slot to place my crucible item so it doesn't take up inventory space =/

This is what your alternate weapon slot is for.
Northern_Ronin wrote:
kevin51287 wrote:
I just want a slot to place my crucible item so it doesn't take up inventory space =/

This is what your alternate weapon slot is for.

Hmmm? You miss out on quite a lot of cumulative currency by not levelling gems in your weapon swap throughout an entire league, and seeing as you are generally Picking up an item -> Checking tree after revealing -> Selling / Discarding based on value of said tree - on a map to map basis, You cannot level gems in your weapon swap doing this gameplay loop.
As someone who has played on the 4 basic stash tabs for almost 10 years now I can say you're wrong.

Not ggg's problem you're a hoarder and need all 6 portals to take stuff out of the map.

Matter of fact since you talk about chaos recipe you do not drop rare rings, amulets and belts consistently to complain you can't do the recipe because you don't have room in your inventory. Not even if you pick up white bases you can't sustain it because you'd run out of alchemy, bindings or essences to make them rare.

Inventory space could do with another horizontal row but other than that it's on you to use a filter and optimize what you pick and how much room in your inventory you allocate to loot.

Next you'll ask that maps get a single portal that does not expire (Kalandra style) so that you can take all rare items out because you're missing on all those juicy alteration and alchemy shards.

Inventory space has been like this for 10+ years. Don't know what you're on about with "the current inventory that we have now as of patch 3.21".

Also nice touch with the veiled threat at the end there. Surely some dev will do your biding pronto so they don't lose your supporter pack money.

RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

I do in SSF, I fill a tab with jewelry, then make chaos when I am clearing maps.
I do Regal recipe in trade league as regals sell well.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Wondahbread wrote:
Northern_Ronin wrote:
kevin51287 wrote:
I just want a slot to place my crucible item so it doesn't take up inventory space =/

This is what your alternate weapon slot is for.

Hmmm? You miss out on quite a lot of cumulative currency by not levelling gems in your weapon swap throughout an entire league, and seeing as you are generally Picking up an item -> Checking tree after revealing -> Selling / Discarding based on value of said tree - on a map to map basis, You cannot level gems in your weapon swap doing this gameplay loop.

Well this is just wrong. You just don't want to take the time to get whatever new item in your alternate slot colored correctly for your gems. That's a you problem. Otherwise it's totally possible to have your Crucible items in your swap slots AND level gems in them.
DoubleU wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

I do in SSF, I fill a tab with jewelry, then make chaos when I am clearing maps.
I do Regal recipe in trade league as regals sell well.

i play almost exclusively ssf when I play this game ( which lately has been alot less) and chaos drop like fucking candy
1 hour of heist is easily 200c
if you use expedition (and if you dont you are nuts) you are getting a few hundred a week from tujen
why would you waste your time doing chaos recipe lmfao its literally THE least efficient way to get chaos
(سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

Yup - easy money.
superbomb1967 wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

Yup - easy money.

It's not though. It's a waste of time. Especially if you're using multiple portals.
superbomb1967 wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

Yup - easy money.

its really not
its a huge waste of time
you are far better off doing heist, expedition, shit even blight the time you spend looting and sorting garbage to make sets is such a waste for the puney amount of c you get from the time spent

its a noob trap and a relic from a state of the game where currency was actually harder to get now we have so many better ways to get it that it serves no purpose at all
(سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
RitualMurder wrote:
DoubleU wrote:
RitualMurder wrote:
people do chaos recipe???

I do in SSF, I fill a tab with jewelry, then make chaos when I am clearing maps.
I do Regal recipe in trade league as regals sell well.

i play almost exclusively ssf when I play this game ( which lately has been alot less) and chaos drop like fucking candy
1 hour of heist is easily 200c
if you use expedition (and if you dont you are nuts) you are getting a few hundred a week from tujen
why would you waste your time doing chaos recipe lmfao its literally THE least efficient way to get chaos

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