Constant Game Spikes, Can't find a solution

I recognized thats its only 17:00 GMT+1 - 22:00 GMT+1 and during this time (Prime Time EU) the trading website also doesnt work properly.

Btw what do you mean with level 3 network and the updates to hard or software from my ISP? Maybe I will give them a call and ask for help but I need to understand what I have to tell them first :D
LouiX wrote:
Btw what do you mean with level 3 network and the updates to hard or software from my ISP?

(I didn't mention any software updates.)

Okay, so, whenever you connect to a website, online game, or whatever, your internet traffic is passed through cables to a server located somewhere. No ISP has routers all over the world, so they enter into so-called peering agreements with each other which mean they'll each allow the other to pass traffic to them.

Often this is done just because it is mutually beneficial, but sometimes one side will try getting the other to pay them for it. This is usually in cases where the amount of traffic is very lopsided; the company who's receiving much more traffic than they send might decide that they ought to be paid for providing much more service to the other company than they receive in return.

While this might sound somewhat scummy, the argument isn't entirely devoid of merit - if one side is paying money to upgrade their infrastructure because another company is sending them a bunch of traffic from that other company's customers, they might think it's only fair that this other company help pay for those infrastructure improvements.

If one company wants to be paid and the other side isn't playing ball in negotiations, they might decide to purposefully allow the connection between their networks to deterioate. This is a pretty clear ultimatum; you help us pay for the infrastructure your customers are using, or we won't upgrade it and congestion will gradually grow out of control. They're your customers, not ours - so it's not us who'll have to deal with irate customers on the phone.

Your WinMTR log showed your traffic pass through Deutsche Telekom AG's network without any obvious signs of an issue. The instant your traffic entered the network owned by a company called Level 3, some of it got lost en route. This can happen either because of a time-out occurring (your computer stops waiting for an acknowledgement and resends the data), or the routers simply couldn't process that amount of traffic whatsoever, so some genuinely disappeared.

Unfortunately, this isn't a great place to be in, because;

  • If you ring Level 3, they'll ask you for an account number or similar form of ID. The instant you admit you aren't actually a customer of theirs, they'll hang up the phone.
  • Your ISP is providing you with internet access, and they aren't contractually obligated to pay other companies to upgrade their infrastructure. If you tried taking them to court for breach of contact, your case would be dismissed in short order.
    • I don't expect you to be tempted to try this. I'm just saying they're in a strong position (and they know it). You can ring them up and complain - you're perfectly entitled to be unhappy - but they don't legally owe you any form of redress.
  • You might also be a paying customer of GGG's, but it isn't their fault, either. They can't possibly be held responsible any time any ISP in any country has problems with their network.

Simply put, you don't really have any leverage over the company that's at fault. This is just part and parcel of the internet being a massive, global behemoth - sometimes you're relying on the hardware (and good will) of companies you aren't paying. If they can use you to extract money from another company, they may well try doing so.


Please note: This being a peering dispute is one possibility, and it's a worst-case scenario. It's also possible that an ISP - likely Level 3 - just needs to install more hardware (or replace existing, faulty hardware) and they're planning on doing so, but it's taking a while. Maybe they need to order more routers and their provider is taking a while to deliver them. Not every problem is caused by a company being a bit of a dick, as common as that is.

Maybe there was a storm and a cable between the two company's networks was physically damaged. Life happens. Hopefully whoever can resolve the issue is working on it, and aren't trying to extract concessions from anybody else.
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-GGG, 2015
Last edited by Sarno#0493 on Apr 12, 2023, 12:37:53 PM
Wow dude, that's a whole essay about this topic but now i did understand it :D

thank you!
Anytime, friend. :)

I'm actually a Network Engineer, so I'm always happy to trap someone and talk at them about networks until they manage to escape answer any questions people have.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
I got the exact same issue again and it kinda makes me not play the game at all anymore, even tho i am a huge fan of poe, spent like 2k€ to support it in early times back then, even kickstarted it, got shirts in my closet etc.

Its just so sad...
Next League, same Issues all of my friends in Dusseldorf Germany Area have the same Issue. We are all 5k+ hours played andys and just cant play the game during prime time. This Event is the worst state of this issue that we had so far, its literally unplayable.

Constant spikes, constant desync and its all due to the already here analyzed network issue with some of the games routing. We all got stable high speed connections and every other online service works like a charm, just poe is an issue.
same here. a few hours south of düsseldorf but still germany. Other things work fine. i literally can't play cause i will press a button and a while later when everything catches up i am just dead. it was working fine in the really early morning, but i cannot reasonably expect to be able to play in the middle of the night to dodge the spiking.
Exactly the same for me since 1 1/2 years every league start first few days when servers are crowded. I did let a network expert check it and they just told me the same as the ppl in this thread here, there is a knot which is overloaded and GGG would need to find a new prodiver, which I guess they wont.

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