Because the process of trading Default items for Hardcore items does not involve our secure trade screen, it's a very risky process. We receive many complaints per day where players have scammed each other and not fulfilled their side of a cross-league trade. Due to these complaints, we strongly considered banning this type of trade entirely. However, upon examination, there are many legitimate players who do these trades safely.
We will allow this type of trade but we make no promises that the people you're trading with are going to give you what you wanted. Cross-league trades are performed at your own risk. There is nothing we can do if someone scams you. Do not trade items between leagues that you are not fully prepared to lose. Please keep all threads about cross-league trades in this forum so that the above warning can be seen. Please do not advertise cross-league trades in the trade channel in-game. Update (October 16, 2013): Do not trade items between long-term leagues and three-month leagues. This gives a clear advantage (based on prior gameplay) in the challenge leagues and is not allowed. For now, you may still (at your own risk) trade items between Standard and Hardcore, or between Warbands and Tempest but not between the two sets of leagues. Last edited by Gary_GGG#0000 on Mar 23, 2014, 11:23:20 AM Last bumped on Dec 21, 2023, 4:29:21 PM
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Maybe we can all come up with a system where is able to do these kind of trades safe. I was thinking in something like coupons where you can trade all kind of currency into coupons in game and you have the coupons in hardcore and softcore so the basic idea would be this:
I want to trade my 10x Orb of Alchemy HC (Player A) to 20x Orb of Alchemy SC (Player B) Player A goes to vendor in HC with his orbs and does (for example): 10x Orb of Alchemy + Scroll of Wisdom = 10x HC Alchemy Coupon Plyer B goes to vendor in SC with his orbs and does (for example): 20x Orb of Alchemy + Scroll of Wisdom = 20x SC Alchemy Coupon Coupons are HC and SC but they can only be traded into real Orbs in their own league. (HC or SC) Player A trades player B (coupons) I think you might get the idea. IGN: RaptorDaDuelist
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Personally, I like that Idea, a lot... like... a lot
IGN: SemproVictus
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The problem with this, now, Chris;
Is that you more or less just told scammers to fill their boots with this. Casually casual.
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" This is EXACTLY my thoughts..... teaching 12 year olds a new scam.... cause they are to stupid to figure out something this simple in the first place but now you come and teach them..... your a good teacher but BAD CONTENT! hehehe :P thx for warning tho... Coupon idea not bad tho... |
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Sounds like it is safer to use one of the 3rd party trade sites.
Fight censorship
https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ |
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" You mean one of those in which the other day a guy was scammed for 10 exalted? IGN: Gonorreitor
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" I'm sorry but this implies that you would do something for all other cases of scam? Or are you just referring to the "mouse confirmation" before enabling the trade via trade window? Im asking because (imho it was you who said it) there was a post in the lines of "report scammers to support with evidence and we'll mark it in their accounts" - but it was not specified for what purpose this should be happening since i don't see scammers getting banned or anything? IGN:
Doenertier (POE1) Donertier_EA_Monk (POE2) |
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The Hardcore economy will get FUCKED if they made a trade system... Hope you all get scammed :) | |
" I agree with everything but the get scammed part haha. Hardcore becomes much less hardcore when you can just let loose in softcore, gain currency, transfer it to hardcore, and then roll right through hardcore with your softcore bought gear. I like that there is this element of risk for those who decide to use softcore to fund their hardcore. |
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