Crucible Launch - Live Updates 🔴

крис я всё понимаю ты важный мужик и всё такое,но ты может не в курсе тут твоя игра умерла.просто зашёл на англоязычную версию написать,потому что на русскоязычной версии сайт не работает и трейд тоже.если бы я работал как ты,меня бы уже давно уволили без выплат и зарплаты.но ты тут босс и может ты получаешь какой-то особый вид удовольствия от того что игра так плохо работает?а может ты поехал в отпуск кататься на кенгуру я не знаю даже. крис отпусти кенгуру и вернись,тут люди гибнут в попытке обновить страницу трейда
CallOfTheVoid wrote:
Is it possible to get clarification on whether Crucible trees with big/crippling downsides on the first node are intended?

Based on the mechanic as described by Chris in the reveal/Q&A, drawbacks should only be showing up regularly late in trees, which is not the case -- but it's not clear whether the mechanic is as intended but Chris was wrong, or Chris was right and the mechanic is bugged.

You can scour the first node, not great by any means - and I get the frustration. However, this is a workaround for a bad tree.

Just go back to forge so you can see tree at forge of item, and scour it out.
5 days into the league and the servers are still shit LMAO this is a whole new level of failure
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester

Path of Exile 2 will be a great leap forward
This league is a joke. We farm maps get nothing from crucible at all.

The one who has a basetype of 3d and vendor double price could split it and forge it into another unsplitted basetype (unoccupied 3d and double price passive position with proper passive shape connected these two spots) over and over again to get more than 500 divines a day (yeah, in day 3 or day 4), with enough basetype supply. The success rate is higher than 75%, if one keeps at least 4 basetype of 6-divine price, (s)he could start this circle without any risk till this mechanism is changed at all. Compared to 6-d income, split beasts/fossils and exp fruits are nothing.

It's the most unhealthy league with the craziest gameplay loop.
Fix your EU servers...sigh

I don't know if your EU servers are beyond bad or you have EU servers overload and 90% of your players are from EU but i tried every single EU server and despite saying 30-90 ping every single one is shit and you have insane lag spikes every 5-10 seconds or just starts being like it is 1k ping at least and it says its less than 100 which for sure it is not.

And when i try Texas or any NA server which is like half world away from me, even though it is 150 or 200 it is constantly that way and is actually playable and waaay more better to play than on stupid EU servers. Seriously thats so bad.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Are there any concerns from GGG that the amount of loot dropping from crucible mobs is lacking? I think that adding a scaling loot bonus based on the % you channel that grows exponentially with map tier would be much better. This way it is more rewarding to do more difficult content.

There are a lot of issues that have been expressed in this thread but I really think having a fun amount of loot from crucible mobs would go a long way to helping smooth out concerns.
On and off since the game began and never more disappointed. I went from playing 40 hours a week to nil, after just a half a day in the new league. Grind harder for less? No, but thanks.

It was fun everybody! GL HF and have a great life.

Ithunkhard wrote:
Are there any concerns from GGG that the amount of loot dropping from crucible mobs is lacking?


The Vision™
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
It's basically Kalandra league.

Pretty terrible mechanic to interact with.

But a bit fun to search weird parameters in the trade website for something interesting- particular finding something where the downside isn't a downside for you.

But... this is now on the weapon slot instead of the ring/ammy slots so it's a lot harder to fit something in. Ring slot in particular is very flexible. Weapon slot is often one of the least flexible slots. And then you feel like you have to get a good tree before you can even start working on the weapon.

Would suggest a mechanic to let us re-roll. Let us chaos spam the first node in the tree since that can brick the whole tree. And let us one time re-roll one other node on the tree of our choice, once we reach the end of the tree.
Apr 12, 2023 4:56 PM (GMT-3) - Regarding the Crucible splitting method, this is an intended behaviour that is limited by the ability to access split beasts/fossils. As we have seen with similar discoveries in the past, the market of those items is quick to adjust so that the arbitrage opportunity is gone. We are currently not planning any changes to this but we'll keep an eye on it and reserve the right to change our mind. No one will be banned for doing this.

This on Console will turn into a party for those who do illegal things with Currency! In the console it's easy to set price and manipulate it the way you want!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan

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