Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Why PHYSICAL leech?

Come on, stop making all the leech PHYSICAL ONLY. Boneshatter is good enough. Help the other melee skills.
I am sadden that we don't get a visual reveal of Primatic burst at all.
I believe it is the most cryptic/interesting of the new skills and yet we can't get a gilmpse of how it behaves in-game.

Slightly disapointed
Meme Gloves GGG!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
new skill gems for ruthless is interesting.

new gloves looks promising
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Another 1c unique.
Good job.
Please don't add quickstep gem in ruthless , let ruthless be ruthless .
Most happy with Matrioshka!

First rissian word in PoE.

Originally = Матрёшка
NRG_En1gmA wrote:

Originally = Матрёшка

вообще то нет другого перевода с ру на англ, они и так понимают это, лол
Pelagoth wrote:
Egyrt98 wrote:
GGG said they don't like reddit, but amount of shit here on forum is like much worse
(mb i think so because i don't browse reddit too much)

The problem isn't the quality of garbage posted on reddit, it's the quantity of people that all agree to said garbage.

It would be no different here if there were voting - that feature exists everywhere there is voting of that kind.

I have never seen it actually make a forum better, either.

Some trolls are just funny to read, and sometimes someone makes a good point that doesn't happen to be popular - and many popular points are in fact just wrong or not ACTUALLY explained well.

leaving visibility up to a mob is moronic, at best.
Thesuffering wrote:
maxtraxv3 wrote:
Ecion9022 wrote:
People are keep whining on "Ruthless" that it had no movement, that it is so slow,, yada yada...

If you can't play and don't like it... just stay to your regular league.
It is named Ruthless for nothing. If you have no time and balls for Ruthless, theres a Standard and HC league for you.

lol well its not ruthless, its just slowness, its not harder.

Nah its harder, not having dps makes you unable to face roll the game and makes you actually have to engage with the mechanics.

You have it backwards - people zoom zoom to skip bad mechanics that one shot, its not like everyone went zoom only because it was fun - they do it because its a lot more survivable that way.

If they want less zoom zoom, they might want to check the mechanics they want us to engage with that many dont like because they are not interesting.

Who says? I say - and its not uncommon here or that other forum people care too much about.

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