Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

So... No Hex mastery revamp?
maxtraxv3 wrote:
"The Soulbound Unique Ring"

so doubling down on useless skills, gee thanks.

if linked skills remembered who they last linked to and relinked after they stopped working then they would be mildly useful and people would use them, but they dont, have guy seen high end game play? you can see shit on your screen about you try relinking someone then.

I do lightly agree with this. Links suffer the same way Marks suffered, due to their durations. I get you don't want to allow one part of the link to sit at the start of a map and the clearer to reap the benifits the whole time, but the duration of links and the requirement for LoS are EXTREMELY limiting to the skills design and usability.

If they had a real duration, or some way to realistically keep them going (even if via a mastery node to get their duration up past 20 seconds, or straight up unlimited like marks), I'd be interested in trying them either via a minion build or a planned partner build with a friend. As it is they seem MUCH more work than they pay out.
brothers gift lets gooo
Cemetary's back on the menu boys!
First few spoilers sucked and so did the recent end of league events. That being said, the rest of the teasers are amazing and the ruthless boss race is extremely cool. The league looks fun and exciting too so I'm pretty hyped for the next few months!
smussaw2 wrote:
brothers gift lets gooo

smussaw2 wrote:
brothers gift lets gooo

diffrent cards.
fk archnemesis.
Thank you for these cards. The memory of his brother deserves as much.

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