Streamers are all gushing over D4 - what am I missing? It seems extremely shallow compared to POE

Phrazz wrote:
Networm13 wrote:
So what happen when you want to play 2 live service games?

Don't think it will be a huge problem, if they end up having some time between league launches. If one developer is hellbent on creating more competition than needed, it might be more of a hassle for some players.

Man, imagine having enough time for PoE and another grindy game. It's fine for people who don't have a family or a fulltime job (envy them). But it sux. People already complain about how PoE is timeconsuming or 'not respecting players' time'. These folks won't be able to make it. So either D4 is trash and they won't play them or D4 is fun and they gonna ditch PoE for a while and come back next few leagues. Such is the cutthroat competition among live service games.

Technically you can play both. But then you probably won't get very far on either games. Ah well, can't have everything.
Last edited by Networm13 on Mar 22, 2023, 10:05:01 PM
How new does the 2019 PoE "2" demo footage look now compared to back then? I strongly doubt whatever they reveal in a few months will look anywhere near as...similar to the current PoE. Otoh they know not to fix what ain't broken almost as well as they to break what ain't fixed so it can't be TOO different either.

I went back and watched Ziz's playthrough of the demo and honestly at a glance it looks like the same old PoE. But that could be recency bias. Ziz played a witch and wow she looked just like her predecessor. The area design was just Twilight Strand Again, complete with a slightly larger than human humanoid boss at the end. Yawn.

Conversely, I could never mistake DIV for D3 at a glance. There is just too much effort put into the environment for that. Too much complex lighting and composition lending each scene serious visual depth compared to D3's Wow-esque flatness. The entire prologue of DIV couldn't be more different to D3's own opening moments: the former is cold, desperate and horrific, the latter was obnoxiously prodigious and fawning. I *hated* the Nephalem concept and how you were basically Best In Class and clearly knew it. Give me undernourished stragglers and village cultists any day over such a blatantly pandering power fantasy.

Similarly, surely the concept of "Exile" has more potential for character concept than another rehashing of "condemned to death, miraculously survived, barely human in nature". But again, that's the wheel GGG reinvented and if it worked once, it might just work twice.

It's all just scaffolding anyway. It is appropriate that DIV be immediately distinct from D3 but PoE "2" closely resemble PoE "1": when it comes to depth, you can't tell one hole from another with a casual glance.

And that is why DIV is getting the praise: it is easy to appreciate at a glance as a major improvement over D3. PoE "2" requires experience and expertise at PoE to appreciate as a vast improvement -- which, naturally, means it's perfect for Exiles who take pride in such matters. That might be tautology. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Networm13 wrote:
(envy them)

I don't. I like my family and my job.

That said, even casual players have time for both. I know several people that have played PoE+D3, PoE+WoW and PoE+LE simultaneously.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I think it's safe to say that if POE's next league is as controversial as the last few have been, and D4 launches at above average quality, POE1 is dead till POE2 comes to challenge the market.
Last edited by lolerman on Mar 23, 2023, 3:40:12 AM
AmpegV4 wrote:

My criticism for GGG is they balance the game knowing players will google and copy build guides and the 5 flavour of patch meta-skills. e.

Yes, exactly.

They balance around the meta thereby pushing the meta.

Random: "But I dont play meta and still go far"

Good for you, I said push, not absolutely force. You can also beat Dark Souls on soul level 1.

I think Diablo will succeed because its not desperate to be some serious streamer-based game.
lolerman wrote:
I think it's safe to say that if POE's next league is as controversial as the last few have been, and D4 launches at above average quality, POE1 is dead till POE2 comes to challenge the market.

I'd argue that it doesn't matter what PoE does at this point, it's going to be desolate until PoE 4.0 arrives (whenever the fuck that is)

I dont think PoE will be "dead", but mostly irrelevant aside from those that are PoE purists only. Which good for them, I hope they enjoy these filler leagues. Truly.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
lolerman wrote:
I think it's safe to say that if POE's next league is as controversial as the last few have been, and D4 launches at above average quality, POE1 is dead till POE2 comes to challenge the market.

I'd argue that it doesn't matter what PoE does at this point, it's going to be desolate until PoE 4.0 arrives (whenever the fuck that is)

I dont think PoE will be "dead", but mostly irrelevant aside from those that are PoE purists only. Which good for them, I hope they enjoy these filler leagues. Truly.

I've heard this exact argument already - when Lost Ark was coming out. And PoE is still fine.

The thing is - PoE is a niche game, and it will never have million players. It always has the same natural playercount cycle - 200k at launch (for the past few leagues), then the number drops anywhere from 30 to 60 % in the next two weeks depending on the quality of the league.

Because it's a niche game there's nothing to steal really. The 'casuals' will probably still be there for launch to 'change the scenery', then they will leave and only the most dedicated players will stay.

Lost Ark had 1 million players in the first 2 months. A year later it's only 80k. How many players D4 will have in a year considering the fact that D3 only has 15-30k online and does not surpass PoE's playercount in any way?
esostaks wrote:

I've heard this exact argument already - when Lost Ark was coming out. And PoE is still fine.

The thing is - PoE is a niche game, and it will never have million players. It always has the same natural playercount cycle - 200k at launch (for the past few leagues), then the number drops anywhere from 30 to 60 % in the next two weeks depending on the quality of the league.

Because it's a niche game there's nothing to steal really. The 'casuals' will probably still be there for launch to 'change the scenery', then they will leave and only the most dedicated players will stay.

Lost Ark had 1 million players in the first 2 months. A year later it's only 80k. How many players D4 will have in a year considering the fact that D3 only has 15-30k online and does not surpass PoE's playercount in any way?

Lost Ark and D4 do appear to have more overlap in terms of gameplay as both seem to be more targeted at the MMO market space. I do wonder how those two will interact moving forward. I would expect they'll tactfully avoid collisions on releases.
Last edited by Nubatron on Mar 23, 2023, 10:37:55 AM
esostaks wrote:

Because it's a niche game there's nothing to steal really. The 'casuals' will probably still be there for launch to 'change the scenery', then they will leave and only the most dedicated players will stay.

That's interesting. You think there isn't much crossover beyond casuals? I think there are quite a few players across the spectrum, and content creators, in PoE that are there because they didn't have great options. Maybe not? It's more of a gut feeling to be sure.

I suppose we will see shortly, but I do expect PoE numbers to dip, not becaue D4 "steals" them, but because it's more like a game they would played anyways had there been an option to begin with.

The die hard, PoE purists, obviously won't be impacted, but I dont know how many that constitutes, or if that ultimately matters anyways in terms of scope.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Nubatron wrote:
esostaks wrote:

I've heard this exact argument already - when Lost Ark was coming out. And PoE is still fine.

The thing is - PoE is a niche game, and it will never have million players. It always has the same natural playercount cycle - 200k at launch (for the past few leagues), then the number drops anywhere from 30 to 60 % in the next two weeks depending on the quality of the league.

Because it's a niche game there's nothing to steal really. The 'casuals' will probably still be there for launch to 'change the scenery', then they will leave and only the most dedicated players will stay.

Lost Ark had 1 million players in the first 2 months. A year later it's only 80k. How many players D4 will have in a year considering the fact that D3 only has 15-30k online and does not surpass PoE's playercount in any way?

Lost Ark and D4 do appear to have more overlap in terms of gameplay as both seem to be more targeted at the MMO market space. I do wonder how those two will interact moving forward. I would expect they'll tactfully avoid collisions on releases.

Interestingly I was just thinking to myself recently that D4 is more a competitor to Lost Ark than it is to PoE, because it seems that D4 wants to go MMO route rather than classical ARPG. So naturally one part of the playerbase are already voicing their concerns in D4 forums because they prefer a pure ARPG experience and not an MMO.

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