[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16
I am loving the build so far and have been able to progress into abyssal jewel stacking with +7 MotL boots, but I feel like my damage/survivability isn't the greatest.
I mainly die to random projectiles or boss spawns (beyond, exiles, map bosses, etc). I try to proactively dodge and preemptively place mines ahead of me to prevent damage, but I seem to die once every few maps. Is there anyone who could give me some advice? Here is my PoB/poe.ninja: https://pobb.in/quXeuaz2PPc6 https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/ejpham1999/Mintichan?type=exp&i=0&search=items%3DDissolution%2Bof%2Bthe%2BFlesh%2C!The%2BAnnihilating%2BLight%2C!Mageblood%2CHeatshiver%2CRathpith%2BGlobe%2CMarch%2Bof%2Bthe%2BLegion%2CShroud%2Bof%2Bthe%2BLightless%26skillmodes%3DMine%26class%3DDeadeye%26name%3Dminti%26sort%3Dehp Thanks a lot! |
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" First: PUT A PROJECTILE SPEED TATTOO (Tattoo of the Ramako Sniper) ON EVERY DEX NODE IN YOUR TREE (This is VERY important for this build. You will feel a HUGE difference!) Deli + Beyond can be very rippy. Dying every 5-10 maps is fine and doesn't impact your profit / hour or maps / hour. You are only 92 though. You should try to play a little bit more careful until you hit at least 95 or 96. You can use Omens from level 94 or 95 onwards. I already managed to get to 99. Upgrades: - start with tattoos! - change amu anoint to +1 frenzy (Savagery = black + red + golden oil) - new weapon (you might use a Divinarius with high spell dmg + multi, if you can't afford to craft a rare weapon (I uploaded a video about it on YT)) - rings: either chaos res or crit multi implicit base -> spam Scorn Essences until life + res Last edited by 99prosorc#1700 on Aug 14, 2024, 7:46:50 AM
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" i tried Fanning to kill these blue/yellow mob packs. but it,s not enough dmg. For general mapping the clear feels worse but it would have been ok. i allready had mine throwing speed on my Amulet, added it now on my weapon and got a bit nicer belt(no throwing speed), i got about 150k dps out of this. with the abyss jewels i think i missed that "every" jewel counts, not only the one in the armour. https://poe.ninja/pob/62247 Last edited by slodon#1115 on Aug 14, 2024, 1:02:59 PM
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I cant seem to find a way to survive in juiced maps with this. Right now i am farming breaches and i am dying like 4 times per map. I am getting one shoted by random things. Even with HH. My character always feels super slow, and running away with flame dash takes ages
I dont know what can i still upgrade that would make a BIG impact on my play. I am using this flasks so i just have to move and attack My build: https://pobb.in/MbORsyosmwqm Maybe this build playstyle isnt for me |
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" Get better boots and are you really capping your res with flasks?????! |
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" I already pointed out that you didn't skill the frenzy charges, which also improve mine throwing speed. Mine throwing speed is important. I skill the charges during the campaign already. I also told you about flasks and that flask uptime should be 100%. I'm confident it's not the case, because of the mods on your flasks (charge on crit, which doesn't work). Your weapon isn't that great and +7 boots are only 1-2 div now. HH isn't going to help you, if your damage is just too low for Deli+Beyond. But it might also be the playstyle and lack of experience. You probably don't dodge things that might kill you, because you are not aware of the mechanics yet. Delirium has a lot of dangerous stuff. Are your resists 75+? Because this is something you fix after campaign before you start mapping. If your resists are not 75+, you will die every map. Your resists should be 75+ without flasks!!! You don't have a Jade flask, you don't have a Quartz flask? No reduced curse effect on flasks? No max charges / reduced charges used mods? Last edited by 99prosorc#1700 on Aug 15, 2024, 5:48:47 AM
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Since the Nimis is too expensive, returning proj support instead of trap and mine damage is working better on mapping.
Anyway it's impossible to do t14-16 100% deli maps for me. Jump into the map and get oneshotted>>>repeat :D |
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any ideas about another farming strat? The returns of deli+beyond+altars are declining significantly per hour now. That was a 10+ div strat in week 1, where the build really shined. By now it’s just 6 div/h now.
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" I don't use any Deli orbs btw.. I got Deli on tree and farm Deli orbs / Simulacrums to sell them in bulk. The bad ones already sell for 27 = 1 Div. |
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" MB makes you much faster = more profit. I always only use HH until I can afford MB. You should also make use of your gold! It adds quite a bit to your profit too. |
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