Will the Sanctum League go Core?
" Let me tell you a story about a guy who played his ass off for a month, and bought/farmed 5 quads of top-shelf sentinels and every unique sentinel for his collection... ...plus enough obsidian sentinels to max out all of his standard character's sentinel control grids... ...not to mention filling a whole sentinel stash tab with combined sentinels for his collection... Now... ask me why I don't do leagues anymore? |
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i like this league !!!
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Removing Sanctum makes the game worse. Lets hope you can bring it back soon.
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Sanctum was the best league to enjoy.
Still, you messed up the 32 room grind with 8 spare sections for each. Why so complex? If you love the mechanics - you stick to it - you play it. Not grind and hour or so to do a 32 room run once. Compare this to Uber blight, almost same rewarding and less demanding. Original Sin was a joke. Doing more than 10 Sanctums was far enough to get used to all layouts and room skip mechanics. Playing Brands and Sparks for Original Sin was purely more of a joke, then a 'skill issue', if you will. Exploiting the skills mechanics to kill everything offscreen, yeah, definetely a skill issue, not a terrible game design. Melee was still in a spot, where you, GGG, purely made a joke about 'resolve loss for melee', which as for me, melee Smiter, was okish, but for slower paced builds Sanctum had much more issues, especially if you can't DPS burst. P.S. Consider low ilvl exploits next time a bit more, watching peeps running 31 low lvl 69+ rooms was a joke, and then 32nd room to complete as ilvl 83. Yeah, not a bug, it's a feature. P.S.S. Omega predictive AI in Sanctum was very awesome to see, Swipe Dashing Predictive NPS as well as archers were just dope ! If you dont oneshot them first, you're done. Def a cool level design! |
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Relics are honestly an acceptable powercreep, because you still have to specifically chase those items to get them. For a game focused on grinding and finding loot, introducing Diablo 2 charms as new class of loot is fine.
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improvements ? hahahhahahaha. you mean nerf. can you be more transparent ggg ? lmao
fk archnemesis.
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oh god pls no, the market is fucked as now cuz of the currency shower, also it's not arpg compatible content, who the f wants to walk on egg shells in this game? go play something else then.
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I dont want to spell doom where it isnt but with the exception of archnemesis (kinda) we havent had a league go core since the atlas passive tree was released. i'm concerned that it is going to cause a design problem in the future where it prevents leagues from going core because we cant figure out how to integrate more leagues into it. either that or we have the issue that it becomes gigantic and we get to invest into less of it proportionally every league. i suppose the latter issue doesnt actually cause a reduction in number of mechanics we get to specialize in but dont actually see a good way to integrate a new league without adding more travel nodes to the tree so that passive clusters for two different leagues dont branch off of the same travel node.
honestly? the only idea i have to solve that is to have some sort of atlas tree meta progression akin to cluster jewels. this would solve a lot of issues with the current tree too (itd make respeccing a bit cheaper and put way less pressure on players who want to play multiple leagues at the same time whose passives are far apart on the current tree). Some have talked about having sanctum replace the labyrinth as a way to achieve ascendency and enchantments. I really like this idea! One thing i could also add is that, if implemented correctly, it could be a source for these atlas cluster jewels too? Maybe that would be the replacement for sanctified relics if this league goes core. having the atlas cluster jewels be account bound would be the best way to make it so that each player has to really earn their endgame atlas and it could allow the drop rate to be turned up so that players get a lot more of them to experiment with. Another source for the cluster jewels could also be as a semi-rare reward from any league content. each league could potentially drop its own clusters from time to time as a way to encourage exploration and specialization. for example you could play a one off blight while not full specc'd into it and get a really good cluster jewel for it that makes you consider playing more blight for a bit. the sanctum could have rewards that let you craft the jewels or just act as the grab bag for them if you dont have a ton of ways to target farm the content you want. This would also obviously require the atlas passive tree to be much more generic and have way less to do with league content but i dont see that as a huge issue. if we took all of the "blockable" content off of the current tree and stuffed that into the cluster jewels, we could still have the main tree be focused on masters, bossing, access to sanctum, map drops/atlas currency, and all of the small leagues like beyond, essences, strongboxes etc. Then each new league could have the option of being added the the base tree or added to the cluster pool or neither (if its like archnem, where its just a modification to a base game system). Lots more design space to work with and much more modular to boot. obviously im not the game dev here and these are just my random sleep deprived thoughts on the matter but id be REALLY excited to see any of this in a future update to the game. Thanks for a great league and for all your hard work |
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all i want is OS and ED drops enabled :(
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Great. I hate sanctuary mechanics.
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