Will the Sanctum League go Core?

I recommend making this league go core immediately.

A lot of people have said this was their favorite league.

And just for the record, I do not even like the mechanic. I have zero relics. I just care about the game.

I really miss scourge and ultimatum and sentinel. Morphing into hell with a button push was really fun. Recombinator gambles were really fun. Freezing time and picking a downside was really fun. I really don't care if the drops/items are nerfed, I just miss having fun.

For me, some of the most fun league content is being removed. If you can block them on the atlas now, then the people who did not like them should not persuade you to remove them.

Also, if adding these mechanics would add to much bloat to the atlas skill tree, then make them spawn with high frequency on kirac missions only. It would be cool if Kirac's maps had some of them highlighted so you can quickly find maps with content you can't get in normal maps.

If the loot level is the problem, nerf the loot, not the fun. Stop nerfing fun.
My suggestion is to make Divinia into a Master, a la Niko, Jun, etc. And then allow players to build a runnable Sanctum, not unlike Atzoatl, perhaps limiting map encounters to 3 or 4 Sanctum rooms each (and perhaps extending or shortening total Sanctum length). Whether or not it can be itemized is your call. And I'd just nerf relics and make them tradeable.

Regardless, I adore Sanctum, and would love to see it return when it is ready :)
Please make Ultimatum league a core part of the game
Sanctum? I am not in the roguelike and roguelite stuff. Kinda boring for me. Also game has been changed a lot - and too much since 3.9 - my first league. It doesn't bring so much joy anymore because of balance and ingame economy (bots ruin it all).
IGN @SexyMilf
Thanks for a great league!
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
I vote for Heist being removed.
hey GGG,

i really love sanctum and would really like to see it go core

i m not too surprised that you're gonna delete all our relics but i was hoping that you didnt. either way i would support your decision tho i really would have preferred if you just disabled them rather than outright removing.

on another note moving forward

can GGG please make it VERY CLEAR whether or not items we get in a league is gonna get deleted?

i believed i tried messaging BEX directly on this but got no response.

sanctified relics was the ONLY REASON i played sanctum league.

if it was made clear that they were not going to be added, i probably would not have played.

in a way i feel deceived due to this information not being made clear.

from my experience playing countless leagues. this is the first time that non consumable league drops being out right deleted.

i will take note of this in future leagues.

despite having said that. sanctum is my fav league in the 10 years of POE's existence.
[Removed by Support]
Did not really get into it.
Not my cup of tea but I get the attraction.
~ There are spectacular moments.
This was my favorite league in years. I do agree that it needs a re-work before it can go core though. Too many floors, invocations are a massive power creep, relics would be tedious.

Imagine if GGG kept invocations but made the herald of the scourge an end-game boss with and Uber version that dropped eternal damnation and invocations.

I really hope it goes core sooner than later.
IGN: FlyByFlicker
Like for others, Sanctum has been my favourite league in a long time!

I knew it wasn't a given that Sanctum would go core. I have been grinding Santums for weeks hoping it would go core. I figured that now (like is was with Heist) is the best time to interact with the mechanic, so I am disappointed to read this news. I do trust that GGG knows what is best for their game and would also like to say that although there are likely several skill and support balancing opportunities and ways to fix trade, Path of Exile's standard play is in a really good place now, which I appreciate.

So yeah, disappointed because I likeed Sanctum and invested time in the Sanctum mechanic, but happy with where my favourite game is at overall. Thanks, GGG.

EDIT: Having read a few other comments, I do agreee with the sentimment that it would have be nice to know as soon as possible that we would lose all our relics. Knowing this I would have spent time differently. One the the things I like most about PoE is that if my schedule is busy, or I don't think I'll gain anyting from the league (I have certain toons I like to "power creep" in Standard), I can just make up my own challenges and hangout in Standard.
Last edited by Eggar#2576 on Mar 2, 2023, 8:24:14 PM
Shill Wilson sees us finally having fun and we all know what that means. Nerfs and removals. Your game has no monetary ties to competition so why do you insist on ruining anything and everything the people like?

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