Will the Sanctum League go Core?

ThePr0fess0r wrote:
Possu81 wrote:
Wait a second, so all our existing relics (including sanctified) are useless? That's crap, especially if it's coming back later on. We should be able to take our sanctified relics to standard.

If that is the case then why in the heck weren't they tradeable this league if they were all just getting deleted anyways!!??

This was stated in the beginning very clearly. Relics and especially invocations are probably too much power creep which I agree. They wanted those to be this league's spice.

Incorrect, they said they were probably too powerful which is why they made them not tradable...which I was fine with.

Now, knowing that they are just going to be deleted at the end what was the point of having them in the first place? I've been running all league, probably 300+ sanctums to try and get 2 or 3 specific relics. Haven't gotten them yet. Now, there is no point in even trying. Granted I wasn't going to use it in Standard anyways, but just like anything else, it's a collection piece. If I'm being honest if I would have know up front that these would be deleted at the end of the league I probably wouldn't have done a single sanctum over the required amount for the challenges.

It used to be that I would look forward to leagues as they would progress the overall game, but over the last couple years leagues are nothing more than a testing ground for POE2 where they give us something fun (sometimes) and then just take it away for the "future" which in the case of some leagues might as well be forever.

They were very very clear about this when they announced the league.
*Never forgetting how good this game looked at 32:9 instead of 1/3 of my screen being black bars.*
ThePr0fess0r wrote:
_shinnen wrote:
Just need to nerf the loot a bit and its fine, make it accessible on demand like Delve (with tradable access item) and dont let it block other map spawned mechanics. Not sure what to do about the relicts, maybe make it so they are time limited like for the next 30 maps or something like the flask enchantments.

Relics are completely fine the way they are as long as they are account bound.

The issue is just that it creates a need to play this mechanic as it basically equals free skill points. You should avoid making mechanics required for permanent character power. Its the same reason Thieves trinket dont have stats and relicts are too powerful to skip. Character power from other leagues can be acquired through common currency (buying from others without playing it) which cant be dont for relicts, this means you have are forced to play it.
Last edited by _shinnen#2791 on Mar 2, 2023, 5:41:16 PM
Comparing to Heist and Delve and even the Atzoatl it's very bland.

I say forget it, better ask your staff to fix multithreading bug.
When the current league ends in early April, all of your existing relics and invocations will be deleted.

Interesting. This league has informed us that account bound Relics are bad for the health of the game and need to be removed, because Standard can still be saved from accumulating too many powerful items, while RMT syndicates are good for all trade leagues and should remain.

Edit to clarify: If none of the Sanctum content ever returns, no problem, the league was fun and hopefully some of the concepts will return in a more sustainable long-term form at some point. Deleting account-bound items which will mostly be mementos collecting dust in Standard remove-only tabs ... if the decision maker(s) who concluded that to be necessary could explain why, please do. Also continuing the off-topic comment about RMTers, it's understood that combating that isn't as simple as it might seem, though it would be welcome to have more confidence that efforts are ongoing.
Last edited by MonTerran#3975 on Mar 2, 2023, 7:01:49 PM
Sad... I loved Sanctum so much :/
and what about sanctum unique items especially original sin? will it be legacy or drop as t0 items similiar to kalandra ring?
Thank you, I didn't like this mechanic. I hate roguelike
GGG: poe 2 will not influence poe 1
GGG: settlers league extended...offline game to merge accounts
GGG: poe 2 is released but they haven't even started thinking about the next poe 1 league
GGG: bye bye Chris Wilson...
bye bye poe 1?
Sanctified relics or some form of non tradable item going core would be great, I don't think it should be sanctum exclusive though, (maybe as a rare drop on any t16 boss?) but getting sanctified relics is what made me play so long this league, because getting a flask charges and a max fire res relic made me go "nice, I want to make a character that uses that" I didn't end up making an rf nor a wardloop character due to life getting in the way, but I did play more due to wanting to do that.
Honestly, a very boring league.
As long as there are no challenges that require us to run sanctums in future leagues, you can readd it for all I care.
I will be happy if I am not forced to play it. I sat out this league because I am trying to find my place in the game with its excessive grind and low reward requirements after the economic reset to divines. I just can't afford to really max characters and really don't want to be forced to grind hundreds of maps MAYBE a decent enough drop to rng craft or sell

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