What is the point of Mirror of Kalandra being so rare in leagues..

...(arguably how most people approach ARPGs -- magic find tweaking was not how average people played DII)

I never bought game magazines regularly, but when DII was out I bought an issue that had "all about D2".
One advice they were giving was that "Magic Find" wasn't worth it, because if the drop chance of a Unique was 0.01%, even with 200% MF that would only make it 0.03%, which is still close to zero. While that is true, it still means that a person with 200% MF will get three times as many unique items (and magic and rare ones) as a person without MF.

However, I still fall in the category of people not tweaking MF. I have a hard enough time tweaking my offenses AND defenses.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Mikrotherion wrote:
...(arguably how most people approach ARPGs -- magic find tweaking was not how average people played DII)

I never bought game magazines regularly, but when DII was out I bought an issue that had "all about D2".
One advice they were giving was that "Magic Find" wasn't worth it, because if the drop chance of a Unique was 0.01%, even with 200% MF that would only make it 0.03%, which is still close to zero. While that is true, it still means that a person with 200% MF will get three times as many unique items (and magic and rare ones) as a person without MF.

However, I still fall in the category of people not tweaking MF. I have a hard enough time tweaking my offenses AND defenses.

Exactly so. I knew hundreds of people on Bnet, and none of them bothered with MF. Then again, they were there to have fun (and fuck with each other, sometimes in a BSOD/Trojan kinda way, sometimes psychologically, sometimes as literally as is possible in a chat room), not play pretendy-rich with a computer game's economy. I was one of the younger, poorer members of my various circles and even I didn't give much of a shit about being in-game rich. It was all about playing the game and using what you found, or shared with friends or, sure, occasionally nabbed in a trade instance.

And you know from BLOW that I was the same way with PoE.

Prioritising Magic Find as anything but a bonus stat on a character that should be focusing on more practical considerations is gaming the game. It would come as no surprise that the core GGG devs were all about that. They were hardcore DII players by their own admission, and nothing says 'hardcore' like caring so much about a game that you game the system. And were you to make a game of your own based on that perception of hardcore, naturally you'd see it as a way of daring your own players to try to break it. To game it. To give them all the incentive to do so and none of the tools. Let them make their own. Let them control their own market. You had so much fun doing it, after all. Why deprive the next generation of that?

Could anyone look at where PoE is now and NOT see how inevitable it all was, if the above is true? And if not, well, that paints an even sadder picture: at least with the above scenario, they would be somewhat deliberate about PoE being less a game to be played than a puzzle to be solved and a system to be broken. For it to happen accidentally? Good lord, to be at the mercy of such devs...
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jan 16, 2023, 1:56:11 AM
Has anyone ever seen one piece of info that would suggest or support the idea that mirrors are random drops?

The drop rate is small enough it would be interesting to evaluate, of course no data is shared.

It would be cool to see mirror drops, mtx bought, streamer account status, time played, and I dont know, guild status.
Last edited by trixxar on Jan 16, 2023, 2:31:22 AM
Im guessing the drop rate is far beyond 1/1.000.000 because ive done that challenge and didn't get even divine regular drop...

My guess is its around 1/ monsters drop chance..
Last edited by Ivanovv83 on Jan 16, 2023, 4:18:04 AM
You're invoking the Devil's Proof there, Trix. Just because you can't prove something doesn't exist doesn't mean it does. See also: the Invisible Pink Unicorn. Or don't, since you can't.

In this case, you're suggesting that in lieu of a drop chance dictated by a roll of a very, very large dice, there is some system in place that guarantees it.

You will never, ever truly know either way, and it is absolutely in any Exile's best interest to just accept that GGG are not lying about their drop rates, simply because GGG will never provide proof to the contrary either. Believe them.

Because to do otherwise is to embrace only one of two forms of madness:

1) you don't believe them and spend the rest of your life trying to disprove them. Good luck with that;


2) you don't believe them but keep acting as though you do, which is a condition of playing this game as it is designed to be played. So basically, you'd be lying to yourself the whole time.

Either is unhealthy and pointless.

Unhealthy. And. Pointless.

Even as a sort of casual, stoner-style hey man, what if. You're fucking with the very fabric of this game's universe. They are watching. Get too close to the truth and that'll be that.

They are watching...

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jan 16, 2023, 4:21:50 AM

You will never, ever truly know either waY

Even as a sort of casual, stoner-style hey man, what if. You're fucking with the very fabric of this game's universe. They are watching. Get too close to the truth and that'll be that.

They are watching...

Haha, I agree, we won't ever know. That was more my point than "There is a complex system in place of GGG Karma that rewards mirrors".

Chris probably should never have confirmed they can and do select accounts to have drop rates reduced.
trixxar wrote:

Chris probably should never have confirmed they can and do select accounts to have drop rates reduced.

It was a moment of weakness on his behalf, a now-unlikely glimmer of unguarded honesty. A creative and clever 'solution', probably too creative and clever for the problem.

I have a bit of an ant problem right now in my kitchen thanks to weird weather patterns, a late summer, whatever else. Nothing drastic, but enough that I am keeping the bench, sink and stove *unusually clean* (for a creative nerd living with another creative nerd, anyway). Last time this happened, I lost a coffee maker to the little shits.

My instinct is to kill the few I see, but I know that just attracts more. So I keep the area clean of bits for the ants to find, spray some vinegar to erase their tracks, lay out some traps (so far, useless), and wait.

I have, effectively, done what Chris tried to do. Difference being, I keep cleaning the kitchen of even the tiniest crumbs or drops of water. All ants are a problem. He couldn't -- leaving food out for SOME ants to claim is kind of the whole point of PoE. It's very easy to nuke a bunch of ants, but you're going to kill the ones you do want in the process. Sniping the unwanted ants is unfeasibly arduous. So you get creative -- reduce the ability to find food in the ants you don't want. A long game.

All while the ants you do want complain about the bad ones and why aren't you killing them omg they're everywhere.

...I've heard it can take weeks for these traps to work in real life. I imagine it'll take years for something similar to work in a game where one ant looks much like another.

I'm not making this shit up for the sake of analogy btw. It's driving the GF insane.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Oh man same problem here, using the poison approach, but that means you have to leave the ants alone to take the poison. Which is gross.

I agree on the analogy/situation he faced, its damned either way.
Last edited by trixxar on Jan 16, 2023, 9:48:09 PM
Well, there was one way he could have avoided the ant problem, but had he chosen it, we'd be up to Path of Exile 3 by now and it'd probably be a free to play mess made by a Chinese megacorp after the first two games did 'alright'. People would consider them underrated gems, and think it a real shame they didn't make enough money to give GGG the resources necessary to maintain the series' quality for over a decade.

Call this hypothetical third game Path of Exile: Endless or something like that.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jan 16, 2023, 11:21:55 PM

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